One chance

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Laura's POV

I woke up, my arms wrapped securely around Brandi. I couldn't help but let my smile falter we'd both been through so much yet I had to the be the one that had made it through. Why can't she just be happy? She's beautiful without even trying, makeup or not. She's perfect in every way and everyone around her knew it. But she can't see through those insecurities that haunt her when she's not sleeping. In the middle of me admiring her features her eyes fluttered open and I smiled. "You're a little close there aren't you." I awkwardly backed away taking my arms out from around her. "Sorry, got a little too comfortable in my Sleep." She rolled onto her back. "Don't lie you've been awake for like 29 minutes now." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, maybe." I pushed myself up and off to the bathroom closing the door behind me.

Brandi's POV

I had just finished getting a shower after Laura was done and I was currently rummaging through my best friends clothes. I had shoes but no clean clothes. I came out if the closet with some light wash jeans on and a thin flannel shirt that I had rolled the sleeves up on. "Hey those look a lot like my clothes." She exclaimed sarcastically and I rolled my eyes at her. "Maybe cause they are dumbass."
She faked a hurt face and clutched her heart "Got me right in the feels." I walked over, pushing her lightly. "Oh chill out you know you love me." She fell back dramatically then sat up and smiled. "Your about as straight as a circle I swear." I faked a look of shock and covered my mouth then jumped on top of her and started tickling her. "Take it back!" I pointed at her as she squirmed beneath me begging for mercy. "Okay! Okay, you win, I take it back." I got up grinning. "Okay, now that's just creepy stop it." She shoved me and pushed her back laughing. "I swear if we weren't best friends I'd beat your ass." I made a pouty face and sat down on the bed. She rolled her eyes in the middle of her stomach growling. "Come on let's go eat." She said pulling me up and dragging me behind her. Laura's fingernails were now gripping onto my semi fresh cuts making me bite my lip to keep from screaming out in pain. I snatched my arm back and she immediately turned around meeting my teary eyes. "What did I do?" I shook my head. "Nothing I'm fine." My heart beat loudly in my chest as I awaited her answer, hoping she wouldn't ask questions. Our eyes were locked onto each other as if she was looking for a sign I was lying but I kept my guard up staring just as hard back.
"Okay, chill your creeping me out." I let out a sigh as she continued walking toward the kitchen. I knew she'd make me eat so it was no surprise. Upon entering the kitchen I was greeted by her mom and dad. "Hey Brandi I didn't know you came over last night." I shook my head smiling. "Yeah Laura wanted me to." I looked over at her giving her the 'help me lie look'.
"Oh yeah. I was bored and I figured it be okay since today is the day of the concert.

"Yes! We forgot. Well you're welcome to stay another night after the concert if you can." Her dad turned pecking her mother on the cheek making us both yell out gross simultaneously. We both looked at each other bursting out into a fit of laughter. It was here in these moments with Laura that I was actually happy. I only hope they never cease to exist. I hopped up and onto the stool sitting in front of the bar and let my head rest on my arms. "So what's for breakfast?" As if on cue Laura set a plate of waffles in front of me, smiling and sitting beside me. She made sure her parents and brother disappeared around the corner before leaning in. "Eat please." She whispered. I smiled I wasn't going to fail her. I made a promise never to fail her and one I was sure I could keep if I just tried. I stabbed the waffle the voices rising up in me as I forced the first bite to slide down my throat. I continued this over and over all while Laura ate diligently beside me. She smiled hugging. "I'm proud of you." I got up putting my dish in the dishwasher and grabbing my phone. "Which car you wanna take truck or mustang?" I laughed as if it was a hard choice obviously if always prefer the mustang over her brothers truck. "What do we always take?"She shrugged. "Well I didn't know which one to take." She backed up to me and let me jump on her back she carried me to the door. "Mom! I'm gone see you guys later!" She called throughout the house. She closed the door locking it behind her I rested my head on her shoulder smiling. "I don't know what I'd do without you." She laughed.
"You'd be a wreck without me." Of course I knew. I'd be dead and I would have never had 7 years of friendship with this lunatic right here. That's where I'd be. I slipped off her back getting into to the red mustang and closing the door. She slid in the drivers seat starting it up and honking the horn and waving to her brother that was now outside watching us leave.
"Demi here we come!" She screamed along with me. "We gotta a long ride so might as well enjoy it" She smiled while turning on the radio that was now conveniently playing neon lights. Wow what was this? A fanfic? "Oh yeah!" We both smiled looking over at each other and she turned it up louder rolling down the windows. "Are you crazy?!" I yelled over the booming stereo. "No but I'm all about being wild!" I just shook my head singing the lyrics as loud as possible as she barreled down the highway towards our idol.

[3 hours later]

We ran to the meet and greet line laughing at each other. "Did you see that guys face when you ran by him singing?"

She smiled looking forward. "OMG there she is!" She said pointing like a little kid. Today is a day that will live in our memories forever. Today is the day I get to see my nightingale. I looked down at my phone as it lit up with a text. I read it over and over tears suddenly blurring my vision as shoved it back in my pocket trying to forget Selena's words. She'd been my bully since I was 10 years old. What started off as stupid and names like that progressed into whore, fatass and emo freak. She targeted all my weaknesses only because she knew where they were hidden. It was a mistake to get involved with her what felt like ages ago. It wasn't always bad but the bad was something that I'd always regret letting happen. She knew where it hurt most how to attack me to get under my skin and somehow she found me right before I was going to meet my idol. "Brandi?" Laura asked with concern looking at me. I looked up. Shit, we were next in line I couldn't do this. A sick feeling rose up and Demi's eyes caught mine as I turned away pushing my way through the crowd and running to the restroom. I sat against the white brick wall staring at my bloodshot eyes in the mirror. How'd that happen? She could see right through me. All I could recall were those eyes. Even with a glance I felt she knew every detail about me. I traced my cuts with my fingers, jerking the 10 bracelets back into place when I heard someone open the door just around the corner. "Brandi? You in here?" It was Laura she came around the corner first before smiling hugely. "Why are you smiling?" I asked feeling a bit offended. She hugged me and said one sentence that changed me. "Someone wants to meet you Brandi." when the person peeked around the corner I couldn't help but let a smile play across my face at the blonde and brown-haired beauty before me she welcomed me opening her arms to me. I pushed myself up almost fainting, was this real? If it was dream I never wanted it to end because her scent, her arms, her voice is all I ever wanted to hear or feel ever again. She enclosed me letting me snuggle into her. She didn't know me but she doesn't even have to know a Lovatic personally to care so much that she'd go running after them.

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