Stronger than it all

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Chapter 25

Brandi's POV

    I can't say I was any less than broken finally deciding to leave Laura behind. I'd figured we were done for now and that maybe she was happier without me. Who was I to think she'd actually stay with me through everything? I was stupid for believing her promises or falling for my best friend in the first place. Now I lost two things in one. A girlfriend and my best friend. My mothers voice filled the house as she opened my door, ready to wake me up for what I believed was yet another useless day of school. "Go away." I groaned rolling over, shielding my face from her opening the curtains to my room. "Mom stop." She giggled, sitting on the bed for a minute, running her hands up and down my back. I could feel it, there was something lingering. I knew she felt Something would probably happen to me at school. "Get up Brandi." She left my room and giving me the time I needed. time I'd hope to have alone to cry, alone to forget Laura. How was this forgetting if all I can do is think about her? If all I can do is sleep and over eat. I swore I wouldn't go back to my old habits, the cutting, I'd come so close to breaking my clean so many times yet the thought of my girlfriend stopped me every time. This wasn't forgetting, or a breakup or wishing it was over. I just needed to see her, and that's exactly what I'll do.

-- at school --

The ringing of the school bell brought me to reality. One long walk across the school later and I found myself outside of the computer lab possibly too tired to care about doing my project for school. I entered, glancing around before sitting down and sighing to myself. I couldn't have expected what happened next but it did. I spun around seeing as there was someone else in here I walked over to her attempting to actually make a friend. Her eyes met mine, gears turned and I turned to run but she caught me by my hair pulling me towards her before punching me and knocking me down. "You're so pathetic trying to transfer schools and run from me." I didn't dare move, knowing I'd be beaten if I even dare inch away. "Lovato's little girl are you? You must think you're better than everyone else but I'm gonna show you just how useless and pathetic you are." She lifted her foot to my face, catching my chin and making me look up. "You're nothing to everyone so do us a favor and disappear." With that I scrambled to my feet just as she gripped my arm, shoving me into the wall and finally punching my face. Punch after punch came until my eye was swollen shut and there was bruises. I couldn't keep my eyes open as everything slowly went black for me. Ask me what my last thought was and I'll say I didn't want to die, I hoped I wouldn't die.

Demi's POV

One phone call got me on my feet, running out the door to the car, one call can send a mother into overdrive, a protective state of mind. She'd do anything for her children, I'd do anything for my daughter. It took a matter of minutes to reach the school as I hopped out of the car walking inside now completely pissed at whoever laid a finger on my daughter. I stood outside the office waiting for her to come out of the nurses room. At first sight of the girl trailing behind the schools nurse I didn't recognize her but a second glance burned me up inside making tears come to my eyes. With a hood over her head and and ice pack covering the other half of her face, there was barely anything to look at but looking at the barely visible bruises I could see turned my day in a whole different direction. I stood up as the nurse left us alone in the office, Kneeling in front of her, I pried her hands away from the bruised and bloody face before me. I gasped softly and brushed away her tears. Her hand wrapped around my wrist stopping me. "Can we just go home?" Her words were barely above audible. I shook my head, looking into her eyes. "talk to me." I whispered, my voice cracking. Get yourself together Demi. I scolded myself, attempting to be the mother I was supposed to be. "I can't." She mumbled, looking down in defeat. Only then did I stand up pulling her close. "I'm here wether you want to talk or not." backing away, I glanced at her one more time, slowly pulling back the hood to reveal the damage. Blood caked in her hair. One eye was swollen shut while her lip had a cut and probably needed stitches. It took more than all of me to walk out of that school and not demand the person that beat Brandi up be found.

Brandi's POV


I ran my hands through my hair as Selena turned around, pointing towards me. She ran towards me yelling and finally grabbed my neck. "Just disappear!" She growled at me. "You're WORTHLESS!" She screamed, spitting in my face and kneeing my stomach.

~End of flashback~

   I sat up instantly choking on the rapid breaths I was taking. Demi rushed into my room, taking me in her arms careful to keep the pain at a minimum. I needed someone, not Demi, I just needed someone other than my own mother to talk to. I realized that. Maybe I needed Laura now more than I ever would. I needed her and she wasn't here. I needed someone and they weren't there. This isn't a first. Maybe Selena was right. Maybe I should just disappear. Maybe I should just go away and maybe I would.


So I'm back to writing full time on this book. Honestly this is my favorite fanfic out of all the ones I write.

Stay strong beautifuls


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