One last time

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Chapter 8

Brandi's POV

The last night on tour. Laura was by my side as we stood right in front of the stage smiling and laughing as Demi walked over to us or so she thought she'd have an easy walk to us. Her smile faltered and she glanced down as she stepped wrong making her legs jello she crashed down to the stage but quickly sat up never missing a note. Me and Laura both glanced over at each other then back at Demi who flicked us off as our laughter reached within her earshot. There was something about this moment that made my heart skip a beat. Memories of my father crashed through my mind but I was content on focusing on Demi and only her. I wanted these thoughts gone but tonight she was taking us home and I didn't want to leave to be back at my fathers house only to be bruised once again.

And seriously Who would want to leave, honestly?

Laura looked over at me, smiling widely then let it falter when she realized that I didn't mirror her reaction to the opening lyrics to GYHAB. "What's wrong?" She asked over the millions of lovatics singing along with Demi. "Nothing I'm fine." I yelled back before plastering on a fake smile, turning back to the stage. I sung along trying to stop the growing anxiety about leaving Demi behind.

I have to let her go,

I forced myself to believe. I tuned back into Demi's voice just as she finished the song. "So some of you guys may have seen me hanging around Marissa and two girls who you don't know but I want to introduce them!" She said happily running over to us. She knelt down and I shook my head violently. "No way." I hissed and Laura booed me. Before Demi smiled. "Aww c'mon." She drug me and Laura up on stage then turned to me. "This is Brandi and Laura, also known as my friends since the day I met them. It's awesome that I get to see lovatics reactions up close cause I can tell you these two definitely are part of the our family." We both smiled. "I love you all and thank you for coming to the concert!" The ground beneath us began lowering. I looked down then back up smiling and waving as we disappeared below the stage floor. We stepped off the platform and walked down the narrow hallway and out into another room filled with Demi's team and managers. We stopped and struck up a conversation with mar. "I'm going to miss you both so much." She said engulfing us in her hug. There was a long silence before she let us go. Demi tugged on my shirt and I let Marissa go but she fought Demi's pull on me. Defensively she grabbed my arm tighter. I was enjoying being fought over it made me feel loved and wanted alike. After about 20 minutes of fighting. Give or take a few minutes. I pushed Demi away grinning back at her as Mar laughed, sticking her tongue out. "Haha I win loser." She said and I just smiled. Demi made a hurt face and pulled Laura into her side. "It's okay Laura loves me." She said and Laura pushed her away. "Ew no." She replied sassily putting on hand on her hip. "You're funny." I mumbled letting Marissa go and I turned to Demi holding out open arms. "I don't know If I want a hug from you anymore." She said sarcastically. "Yeah that's cool Laura's got enough love for the both of you." I said wrapping one arm around my best friends waist. She stared down at us before falling to her knees and begging for my body to be in her arms. "Come on please." She begged. So I gave in, running into her open arms, finding myself more comfortable here than anywhere else. There was a sense of urgency in this hug. So many things caught in my mind that I couldn't focus on one simple thought. I could feel the same for Demi. "You know I'm gonna make this friendship work." She finally whispered. "I wish." That was the only words I could summon through the cloudiness in my head. She pulled back, "no really we'll hang out sometime, maybe halloween?" She replied with a hint of a smile started to show. "I'll miss you so much." I said letting my emotions finally crack my resolve to stay strong for her. "Hey it'll be okay, I'll always be here for you." She said taking my hand and standing to say her short goodbyes to everyone else except the few that would be partying on the bus with us back to L.A. well first we'd be stopping in Atlanta, Georgia since we were in Austin, Texas we'd drive 5-6 hours there then she'd take the next flight back to L.A. We quickly got on the bus watching from the window at Demi signing posters and hugging the adoring lovatics outside. She entered the bus with a smile on her face. Upon looking towards me, her smile dropped and she appeared beside me. "Come on we might as well have fun while we can, life is short." She said smiling and pulled me up. Marissa and a couple of Demi's band members started dancing as they turned up the music. I just stood there, feeling self-conscience. Dancing wasn't exactly part of my to-do list for today. Demi grabbed my hand all while she continued to dance and began swinging it around. It made me smile to see her this happy. one of her band members lightly pushed her down and began dancing giving her a lap dance. I stood there laughing and Laura put her arm around me. "I'm gonna miss this kind of life." She finally said after a second of painful silence only the music kept the air noisy surrounding us. "Yeah me too, but at least I know what I want kind of life I want to live now." I laughed. "Yep tours,concerts-" she paused pointing at me and smiling. "-hey we can be roadies." She smiled then glanced in Demi's direction laughing. I let a concerned gaze fall to the bottles of alcohol only inches away from me. I hadn't had a drink since my last party. Demi was sober but did she even know beer would be here? "Demi paused her laughter and pushed the guy off of her and got up. She seemed to ignore everything going on around her, her hand slowly raised up to grab the dark bottle of liquid. She brung it up to her lips hesitating then attempting to set it down before I snatched it away. "Dems you shouldn't drink and you know that." She looked disappointed in herself. "Yeah I know, I'm sorry." She said and I spared her a short glance and looked around then quickly ran off to the bathroom with the bottle still in my hand. I quickly took a drink, letting the substance burn it's way down my throat. I smiled taking another huge gulp, finding more bottles sitting on the counter. Funny. How'd that get here? Needless to say before I knew it I was flat out drunk. I stumbled out to the living room where the party had died down. Everyone was pretty much asleep or passed out except for Demi and Laura. "Hey you guuuyyyssss." I slurred smiling then falling to the floor. "Shit!" I yelled as I hit my face on the floor.

Demi's POV

Brandi came in or more like staggered in. My Eyes met the bottle in her hand and she dropped it with a thud. "Hey you guuuyyyssss." She slurred. Obviously drunk. She fell the floor and I stifled a laugh slapping my hand over my mouth. "Shit!" She yelled and I rushed over to help her up. "You told me not to drink then go off and do the opposite?! You're 15 for gods sakes." I yelled at her. "Oh shut up you were drinking way before I was." She said coming out clear. "That's not true." I fired back. "Just get some sleep okay?" I picked her up and carried her to the bunk she'd been staying in. Quickly, I tucked her in and started back to the kitchen. "Read me a bedtime story bitch." She yelled. I laughed brushing it off even though being called a bitch hurt like one. Well, maybe I was exaggerating. Laura started snickering. "She's so stupid, I swear." She whispered turning back to the dishes and continued cleaning them. "Yeah but she's funny when she's drunk." I answered back.

"I guess-" there was long pause before she turned to me. "You know she's torn apart having to leave you." She confessed. "Yeah I can see it in her eyes. I promised we'd see each other though." I replied turning back to the dishes. "I wish there was somehow I could see you both more often." I whispered handing Laura another dish. "I'll fill your place while we're back home." I frowned. "So I'm replaceable?" She looked back up. "Me and her have been friends for 7 years and she's only been friends with you for a month and I can see she is drifting away from me and closer to you." She said taking the dish and wiping it clean before sticking it in the cabinet. "I would never be able to replace you in her life." I finally replied. "Yeah But it's happening right in front of our eyes."


I got ahead in my writing for my other story so I wrote on this one last night. Anyways vote,comment and if you have ideas message me.

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