Crashing down

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Chapter 9

Brandi's POV

Laura's voice awakened me from my sleep and I instantly sighed from the headache I had. One word.


I pushed myself up and Laura handed me some medicine. "I know you are probably feeling like shit so here." She said handing over the pills. "Yeah thanks a lot." I replied clutching my head and swallowing the pills dry. "Where are we?" I asked getting up out of bed and walking down the short hall to the living room. "An hour away from home." She answered from behind me. I sat down smiling through my tears. "I'm not ready to face my father again." I whispered and Laura wrapped me in her arms. "we haven't been this close weeks." I broke the silence. "Yeah I know." She whispered, clutching onto me tighter. I missed this. I missed Laura and I holding onto each other. depending on each other. I just missed us. "I love you." I whispered. "So do I." She mumbled back. Were we so close we could say that and mean it? So close that not even the biggest fight could break us apart?" I loved that about us we were perfect. Ups and downs, highs and lows we will always be till death. "Our friendship is something other people would envy." I said chuckling. "Yeah I guess so. I was lucky we met that day 8 years ago today." She reminded causing me to smile. "You kept up with the very day we met?!" I spit out. "Yeah pretty much. I got it written on my calendar." I smiled, sitting on her lap as she wrapped her arms around my waist resting her head on my shoulder. With every breath she sent chills down my spine. "I swear people would think we were dating If they saw us right now." I laughed leaning in just a little. "Agreed." She whispered back making sure not to stir my headache. Demi walked in, stopping abruptly. And smiling at us. "You guys are so cute together." I got off her lap. "Yeah everyone says that. We're not dating I hope you know that." I replied, smiling at Laura. "Yeah what she said." Laura repeated then looking at Demi who turned her head to show a shaved part. "Ummm?!" I was speechless she had shaved the left side of her head. "Yeah I know it's looks crazy." She said. "Uh huh." Laura mumbled,she sat there staring at her jaw dropped. We both recollected ourselves and got up Laura fixed herself something to eat and forced me to do the same. Demi glanced over at me. "I know you have trouble eating,Brandi." My heart pounded saying it out loud made it sound like I had an eating disorder but there's no way. It's only sometimes that I skip a meal and throwing up is only because I need to lose the weight. I'm just trying to get skinny. "No I don't." I whispered, still focusing on the plate in front of me. "Yes you do Brandi. Not eating for 3 whole days isn't healthy it'll kill you." She said concern in her voice. "I don't care." I replied. Laura grasped my hand under the table and I sent her a glare which made her let it go. "I'm not hungry anymore." I grumbled getting up and going back to my bunk. I laid there, staring up at the wood that held up the bunk above me then a thought went across my head. How it this thin wood safe when there's at least 120 pounds laying on the matress above me? It could have easily broke. I continued staring up. Was this how I wanted to spend the last 30 minutes? Away from Demi?

Definitely not.

I pushed myself up but didn't leave my bed instead I swung my legs over the edge sitting there listening to Demi's laughter after she stopped her laugh I got up heading back into the room and sat beside Her. "I'm sorry." I said and laid my head on her shoulder as I heard the sound of the bus stopping. It was a sound I had dreaded up to this point, now it hit me like a freight train, making tears spring to my eyes. I let one then two fall all leading to my initial breakdown. Laura got up, reaching over and wrapping her arms around me, holding me close. Demi sat awkwardly to the side. "Umm, I'll help you get your stuff." Demi got up and waltzed down the hall then reentered with my bags in hand. I quickly ran over, grabbing one of them. "Come on let's go." Demi said excitedly. I pushed her back gently. "No it's okay. I don't want you to get hurt." She knelt down in front of me. "And I don't want you hurt either, I will kill that man if I have to." Something inside of me wanted to defend that man but the other gladly accepted Demi's offer to end the pain I'd endured for the last 4 years. "Let me go in with you." She pushed past me and off the tour bus into the yard. She awaited me so I got off the bus, pulling my bag behind me. "Be completely silent when we go in." I whispered as I opened the front door. My dad was home making it harder for me to sneak Demi in and out. "My room is upstairs." She followed me up the flight of stairs and around the corner finally handing my bag. "Thanks so much." I whispered hugging her. I broke free, heart racing when I heard my fathers footsteps coming up the stairs. "Hide!" I hissed and pushed her into my closet, closing it. Her face was in a concerned and saddened state. She was about to witness my darkest secret right in front of her eyes. "It'll be fine just stay here until I come get you." I backed away a little standing there bracing myself for the beating to come. Demi was here she'd see me at my worst and I hated that. I let a tear slip as my bedroom door flew open and a beer bottle was slung at me cracking on my head. I fell to the floor catching Demi's gasps from the closet but I was in too much pain from the impact to care. He started kicking me I could barely keep my eyes open I was so tired in the moment that not even the fact that Demi bursted out of the closet and hitting him with my wooden bat could make me care. He turned around, going after her and I yelled with all I had. Fighting through the pain as I tried to get up to save her. "Run Demetria!" I shouted as I crawled after my dad. I got up stumbling just as Demi gave a look of sorrow before turning and running. It was all okay now, as long as Demi was safe that was all I needed in this life was for her to be safe. "Get over here useless bitch!" My father growled, venom dripping from his very words. I obeyed and he slapped me the hardest he's ever hit. It sent me flying back into my dresser. I tried to pull myself up failing miserably. "I outta kill you right now." He barked. Grabbing me by the throat making me gasp for air. Sirens were in the distance as my dad got up, grabbing the bat. I put my hand up all I felt was the snap of the bat hitting me across the temple of my head before everything went dead.


So Demi got a little protective there. At least she got away though. I love how this book is going and I hope this one will become popular soon. I might have to put this one on hold depends on how much work I have to do the next couple of weeks for school. (I'm homeschooled so it depends)

Stay strong


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