Here we go again

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Chapter 10

Laura's POV

    It all came to a halt. Demi ran out of the house, leaving Brandi inside alone but I knew Demi didn't run because she wanted to. She left Brandi's side for her and Brandi's safety. She was on the phone with the police as I sprinted out of the bus. "Demi what happened?" She began crying, nearly frantic as she told me what happened. I went to run into the house to save my best friend but Demi blocked my path, gripping my arm. "Let go!" I yelled at her but she refused, pulling me tighter into a bone crushing hold. I struggled against her as paramedics rushed into the house, cops closely following. "She's my best friend I have to make sure she's okay." I whispered, giving in to Demi's embrace. Soon after I'd let myself break. They exited the house one officer dragging her dad by the handcuffs. He smirked at me, looking back at the stretcher I just noticed. Her body was lifeless a breathing mask covered her face as they gave us a look of sympathy. I was frozen with shock before bolting out of Demi's arms and by Brandi's side. I looked around, tears blurring my vision with one question that was pressing my mind. I conjured up enough strength and courage to ask the question I felt like is regret. "I-is she alive?" I asked holding her pale hand rubbing circles in it while staring at her softened expression along with the swollen, blue and purple bruise forming on her right temple. Despite the pain I knew she'd feel when she woke up she appeared so peaceful.

If she woke up.

They lifted her into the ambulance and one peremedic turned around looking at me. "Are you family?" I looked around before taking his hand to help me up in the ambulance. "Yeah we're cousins." I lied. He slammed the ambulance doors and the car started moving. Demi would arrive at the hospital first knowing how much of a reckless driver she was. "Friends forever." I said, taking her hand in mine. "I'll never leave."

Brandi's POV

   There was a growing beeping noise that only seemed to get more annoying by the minute. I tried to groan but it hitched in my throat, sending me straight into a coughing fit. Demi's voice erupted beside me. "Brandi?" She asked unsurely. My eyes fluttered open and bright light pierced my eye sight. What I thought would come out as 'turn off the lights.' Came out more like a grunt and mumbling. I slowly moved, sending pain down through my spine. I screamed in pain and Laura awoke, shocked. "You-you're awake?" I pointed at my head unable to speak. "I'll get the doctor." She replied, pushing herself up sleepily and stumbling towards the door. Once she left Demi stood up, coming to my aid and helped me sit up. I smiled and closed my eyes again all I really wanted to do was sleep. I didn't see why everyone was making a big deal out of this. I was only out for a night or two. She handed me the bottle of water that had taken it's place on the table beside my bed for hours which I attempted to grip but failed. She titled it back and I took a Huge gulp. I let a refreshed sigh escape my mouth and she set it back down slowly. "Thanks dems." I whispered, still getting used to the parched feeling in my mouth. She looked at our intertwined hands and I met her eyes. "You were supposed to be dead." She said sadly. "What?" I grumbled concerned about my own health. "We made the choice just minutes ago to let you go." I smiled down at my lap. "Good thing they didn't pull the plug just yet." I whispered. She quickly got up taking me in her arms squeezing me. "Ow, ow, crap that hurts." I mumbled at her. "Oh shit I'm sorry, I forgot." She let me go, sitting back in the seat beside my bed just as Laura entered with the doctor following. "How are you feeling?" I sat up frowning. "How do you think?" I asked sarcastically. "Yeah sorry about that." He said. "I just have a couple of questions I need to ask." He said

[two days later]

After asking where the pain was and giving me some medicine for my head injury I finally got out of that white walled prison. We were now at a crossroads. Demi was truly leaving this time and I was going back home to my mother. I hugged her one last time. She smiled as she pulled back. "I got you something." She replied smiling and took out the newest iphone "Oh my gosh thank you." I screeched. "But I can't afford this." I finally answered. "I kind of figured, don't worry I get your bill every month." I smiled hugging her. She pulled back, smiling then kissing my forehead. "see you around." She whispered and hugged Laura before getting on the bus and heading to a whole other coast. "Well I guess we go back home now." Laura sounded bored and she lowered herself into the Camaro. Me? I stood there staring at where the bus had just left a trail in my memories. "For gods sakes Brandi!" Laura grabbed my arm dragging me to the passenger side and sat me down Bending over. "Jesus Laura chill. I'm still sore ya know!" She glanced over. "Well? You need mama to buckle you in too?" Her tone, sarcastic. "No stop it, you know I hate that Demi is gone now." That is the moment it hit hardest when I actually admitted it to myself.

A million miles away.

Laura started the car and began driving back to her house. "Your mom visited while you were in a coma. She told me you could stay at my place for a while until she gets everything settled in court." Her eyes never left the road. "I kind of was hoping I could stay at your place anyways." She pulled into our subdivision and drove 90 in a 35 zone. "Your cool." I yelled above the roaring motor as I snickered sarcastically. "You think so?" She asked smiling as she continued focusing on the road. "Definitely." I said feeling the car slow to a stop. I rolled my eyes at her words. "Home sweet home." She said grabbing her bags from the trunk. This outta be fun.

One more month of not living in my own house.


So this is short cause I got behind in one of my courses but I'm caught back up now so it's all good.

What should happen with her mom? If anything does.

Should her dad break out of jail?

That's all I got so...

Stay strong


When I'm goneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora