Two worlds collide

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Chapter 12

Demi's POV

    Today I woke up praying to god I'd see Brandi again but I knew that I didn't have that kind of luck. She'd never wanna see me anyways. I should've let go of her a long time ago but I found it so hard to let go without her telling me to. My limo arrived at the hotel I was staying at since this was going to be a week long kind of thing. Max opened the door grabbing my bags as cameras flashed around us. I held up my middle finger while I blocked their flashes.

Still hated them.

We got into the lobby with much effort put forth. "I hate them so much." I mumbled under my breath. "Tell me about it." Max said, pulling me close. "Ah, you feel me?" He signed me in, giving me a card and I rode the elevator up to my room on the 3rd floor. I walked in, setting my bags down and smiling before falling back on the bed tiredly.

Yes, rest at last.

Brandi's POV

  Laura couldn't come with me because she had to work so she gave me my ticket and drove me to the place I'd be staying at. We pulled into the hotel parking lot, smiling at each other. I was actually proud that I could afford this on my own. I got out of the car just as Demi's Limo parked and the paparazzi attacked her. I stood by, watching and smiling when my eyes met the hand she was using to flick them off. "Same ol' dems." I shook my head and got my bags out of the trunk and walked inside, up to the front desk. "Hello ma'am." He looked up from his computer taking my money, I paid and went up 3 floors to my hotel room. As I was opening my door I heard the person in my room beside me playing Demi's music. "Great. I'm not gonna get any sleep." I rolled my eyes, Setting my suitcase on my bed and unzipped it, unpacking. I listened to the person on the other side of the room hearing Demi's voice but not a song I recognized and how could I? I stopped listening to her music because of the pain I bared while listening to it. I was beginning to get mad as I finished packing. I went over to the person's door, knocking hard. The music volume quickly faded and I heard footsteps. The door opened and I started going off. "You think it's funny to play Demi's music so freaking loud but ya know what? Have some decen-" I opened my eyes to reveal Demi in her pajamas. I stood there, a goofy smile playing across my face as her mouth was agape. "Brandi?" I nodded still in shock. She'd changed so much. "I missed you so flipping much." I was immediately pulled into a hug and I quickly hugged her back. "I missed you too." I was still shorter than her even though I'd caught up a little it was only like a couple of inches or two though. "I'm still shorter than you." I whined. She pulled back and took my hand leading me into the room. My heart was pounding and I knew it was because I was Afraid she'd see through my front. She always seemed to be good at that sort of thing. We both sat on opposite beds. "You've changed so much." She whispered moving the hair out if my face and I flashed a smile almost a little too fake. "Yeah two years of changes." She wiped away a tear and I looked up, on the verge of tears myself. I didn't realize how much I actually missed her until now. "What changed?" She grabbed my hand. "I'm living with Laura now, I'm 6 months clean. I got help with my eating disorder and I just turned 16, going into 11th grade with a boyfriend." She gasped, hugging me I could feel the motherly love I was getting from her and I loved it. It brung back memories of better times with her. "What about you?" She took the time to smile and wipe away a few tears. Happy ones I hoped. "I'm about to go back on tour, I won a couple of Grammys, met a couple of lovatics and changed my hair color it's brown again then I am planning on dying the ends red or something as you can see." I shook my head smiling. "Always changing your hair aren't you?" She giggled causing me to smile.

"I love you so much." She leant in, hugging me once again. This was 2012 all over again I never wanted to leave as I was falling in love with her motherly love all over again. "Love you too-" I paused not sure if I should say the last part. Well fuck that I'm gonna risk it. "Always." I whispered against her ear, pulling back after the long hug. "I'm so glad you came. It means the world to me." She got up, walking to the kitchen leaving me sitting there. There was something wrong here. Despite the anxiety scaring me and refusing to leave. What if she sees through my facade? What if Laura told her everything that's happened? These thoughts haunted me. But she would've pointed out my lie. Right? Internally I laughed at myself. Yeah right, 6 months clean? I got up, trailing over to Demi who was obviously trying to distract herself from whatever she was feeling on the inside. "What's the matter?" She looked up and I wiped away the tears falling smiling softly. "Hey, hey it's okay, I'm here." I pulled her against me letting her cry into my shoulder. "It's just-" she paused and I pulled back. "It's what?" She swallowed then continued. "-I just went through a breakup so my emotions are screwed up." I was shocked because whoever broke her heart was pissing me off.

Why am I so protective?

"Who broke your heart?" I asks she let another tear fall weeping loudly as I pulled her back into my shoulder. "Nobody you'd know." I instantly felt saddened. I led her back over to the bed sitting beside her and massaging her hand. "That asshole!" She looked down at our intertwined hands and I felt my heart break.

"I-I don't want to talk about it." I sighed and got up. "It'll all be okay. Love is cruel sometimes." She pulled me into her. "When did you become so grown?" I laughed dryly. "it's been a whole 2 years since we've talked. Time changes people." Her phone went off beside me and she quickly grabbed it smiling. "Whatcha smiling about?" I asked trying to act like my old self. Honestly I still was my old self. Still cutting and starving myself. Same ol' me.

She looked up her smile dropping a little. "It's Marissa. She wants to FaceTime."

I smiled. "Ooh lets surprise her!" I gleamed happily. "Good idea." She squealed as she accepted the call. I quickly got on the other bed, facing Demi as she talked to mar. "Hey bitch." She replied and Marissa chuckled. "I'd say the same for you." Demi made a fake frown then quickly smiled. "Guess who I ran into today." Mars excitement got the best of her. "Ooh who?" Demi grinned widely. "Brandi that went on neon lights tour with us."

Mar laughed and I smiled gesturing for her to hand me the phone. Demi did and I waved melodramatically. "What up?" Mar almost fell out of her chair but quickly got back up laughing. "Brandi?!" Marissa's face lit up with a bright smile when I nodded yes. "Oh my god! Demi talked about you almost everyday after you left."

My gaze met Demi's and she shrugged smiling while I quickly transitioned so both mine and Demi's faces were in the camera. "My two favs in the same place." Demi and I smiled as Marissa mirrored our reaction. "Yeah, yeah." Demi took the phone and we both laughed as we fought over the device. Maybe this whole thing was turning out better than I thought it would...


I'm way ahead on my writing and I would've wrote a longer chappie but I felt like it was good to end it right here.

Should Demi adopt her now?

And also I'm making Laura and Brandi happen soon so...

Stay strong


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