Young blood

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Chapter 19

Brandi's POV

I woke up in an empty bed; confused because of the eerie silence, I slipped out of bed and out into the main room of the bus. "Hey Brandi!" Cheer filled the air around me but it was like a barrier was rejecting all the happiness to enter my soul. "Hey Dems." I walked over, sitting by Laura and she kissed me lovingly and smiled a little after pulling back. "I woke up alone last night, that was unfair." Shrugging, I kissed her back. "Does that settle it?" She blushed pointing at me. "I'll get back to you on that." A wink came from her soon after and I smiled at Demi who had gotten bored and began playing on her phone. Sitting there a wave of sadness hit me it wasn't like it hadn't happened a million times this week. No. You know what? I'm sick of being depressed. Sick of being sad all the freaking time. I'm gonna be happy dammit. The bus stopped and Demi smiled down at her phone before standing and gesturing for us both to get our things together for my new life. I was starting over. A new life, a new mother and a girlfriend.

     Once we had unpacked I trailed downstairs to find Laura and Demi chatting. I stood still right around the corner, listening to their harsh whispers. Demi was first to speak. "I think she's cutting again." There was a sigh. "But I've been around her she seems fine to me Demi." Silence. "You can't be this oblivious, you're her girlfriend!" Laura shushed Demi. "I know but you're her new mother. You honestly know her better than I ever will." "But you've known her so much longer than me." "Wether I like it or not, she's not gonna need me much longer." I stepped out at that running over and hugging Laura. "I will ALWAYS need you." Laura stiffened at the sudden contact. "Thanks but you know you need her more." I shook my head. "I need both of you, without one of you I'd die, so stay." I let her go finding a soft smile on Demi. "I love you no matter what." Laura picked up her phone. "I have to go I'm late for work." She looked down at her phone and grabbed her bags calling an uber and like that she was gone. Not a kiss, not a hug, nothing. I looked over at Demi. "She can't just leave." Demi just opened her arms to me. I hugged her for what felt like forever and she knelt down, "piggy back?" I laughed, jumping up on her back and she carried me into the living room. "What shall we do today?" I smiled a fake smile and Demi knew it wasn't my real smile. "Why are you hiding from me-" I cut her off. "I'm not, I swear I'm fine." Demi shook her head. "Am I just paranoid then?" She had grabbed her car keys by now from the table beside the couch and I rested on her side. "Maybe just a little." Lie after lie spilt from my mouth, leading Demi in a whole another direction of thought. "How about we get new furniture for your room." I nodded but my smile quickly dropped. "What about the public, they have no idea you have a daughter now. We'll both get swarmed." She smiled and it was all confusing. "You can come as Maddie's friend. "What? I've never even met Maddie before and you want us to instantly become best friends?" She was already on the phone and I went to grab it but it was too late, Maddie had already picked up. "Hey baby." I listened closely to the conversation. "Hey what you calling for?"

"Well I'm kind of back in L.A."

"Oh my gosh! The whole fam damily is here too."

"I just need a favor from you."

"What is it?" the phone must have fell out of her hands because she swore at the loud crumbling sound.

"Sorry dems, Bea is here with me and she's being an asshole." I giggled slightly.

"Oh well bring her along and we can all go shopping."

"Oh cool you coming to pick me up or what?"

"Get Bea to drive you over."

"love you, bye."

"Bye love you too."

     I smiled and demi mirrored me. "She's on her way." I nodded and went upstairs to get ready. By the time I was finished Maddie was here. I ran downstairs, opening the door without any thought at all. "Hey-" Maddie looked concerned and shocked as she scrambled to a conclusion. "Who are you?" I felt offended at first but quickly reminded myself that she didn't know who I was. Demi walked up behind me pushing me lightly behind her I was still frozen unable to move. "Sorry guys I just-" Demi stopped in mid-sentence making Bea laugh. "Girlfriend?" Demi shook her head. "No she's my...daughter." A look of shock hit Maddie hard and she pushed Demi aside. "You really are?" I nodded down at the ground and Maddie took me in her arms. "I'm so happy, welcome to the family." I shrugged at Bea who was awkwardly standing aside. Maddie pulled back and we all entered the house, laughing and joking about stupid things as if we'd known each other for years. "So Demi, what are you gonna tell mom and dad?" Demi gave an 'oh shit' look and I laughed. "You're in some deep shit now dems." My smile wasn't forced when I was around Maddie, she made me smile something Laura had to try hard to do but with Maddie it came easily to her Considering she was sarcastic and funny. "Okay, before we go I think I should make it clear that she isn't my daughter to the public, she's your friend." Maddie nodded, pulling me close. "This should be extremely easy for me." I nodded and Bea took me in a side hug then we walked to the car. These two were definitely two I would let stick around in my life. We got in the car and Demi started driving, all three of us in the backseat. Maddie reached towards cutting up the music. "I love this song!" It was currently playing neon lights. Mine and Bea's eyes met and we rolled them laughing. "Typical." I yelled over the music. "I was thinking the same thing!" We both started singing along with the way too hyped up Maddie beside us. Demi pulled into the mall parking lot and parked close to the building. "Ready?" She asked, looking in the mirror at Maddie. "You have no chill." We all broke into laughter. "Remember, friends." She pointed to both me and Maddie and we nodded getting out only to be blinded by the flashes around us. It was already dangerous enough with one famous singer but now Bea too? The paps were having a blast.

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