You're gone

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Chapter 21

Brandi's POV

Me and Laura were currently cuddling along with Demi and Maddie, watching a movie. The end credits came up and I glanced up from laying on Laura's chest to find that she was sound asleep. "Mom, she's asleep." I whispered pointing at Laura. Demi smiled at that. "We should prank her." I grinned and nodded, getting up and shuffling into the nearest room and quietly shutting the door behind me and Demi. "What should we do?" I was clueless. Demi was the one with all the ideas on pranking people. "Let's just pour water on her then go hide." She nodded, it wasn't the best idea but I was half asleep myself. I filled a cup with water and giggled as Demi went to hide in the backyard. I threw the water on Laura from the door laughing as Maddie and Laura both got soaked. They both shot up, screeching as I slammed the door dropping the plastic cup and running through the empty house out to the backyard. We stood near the pool, laughing as Laura and Maddie both ran for us. We grabbed them by the arms and they quickly realized we were going to put them in the pool so they began fighting and yelling at us. "I'm gonna beat your ass Brandi!" Laura and Maddie screamed in unison. Demi stifled a laugh which made her weak enough for Maddie to throw her into the water. She ran over, helping Laura and I screamed as they lifted me up. "No fair it's two on on-" my sentence was cut short by the water all around me, I sunk to the bottom admiring the silence before pushing back up to the surface. Demi splashed me and I took her under. Maddie and Laura both stood there laughing as me and Demi swam in our pajamas. "Ah what the hell." Maddie shrugged and jumped in with us. "It does look like fun." Laura grinned but went to grab towels from the bathroom.

Thank you to the one that has a brain... Laura.

After a few minutes we got out and sat outside in the heat of the night. Laura laying against me. "I'm going off to college soon." Laura whispered and I stiffened. "What?" Laura sat up. "Where are you going?" The questioned burned because I honestly didn't want to know that she was leaving. "I'm going back to Georgia for school." I shook my head, tears mixing with the chlorine water on my face. "You can't, it's not fair!" I pushed her off my lap and got up, leaving but regretting hurting her. I slammed my door, falling on my bed groaning before getting undressed out of the wet clothes and into new one. I laid there for a few minutes before finally drifting mostly to sleep but still conscience.

Demi's arms slipped around me and I opened my eyes, sighing. "Baby, what's the matter?" I rolled my eyes. "Don't be stupid Dems. You heard me out there. she's leaving." The lump that had left my throat with sleep now returned making tears burn my eyes. I didn't want her to leave. We just got together. "Instead of being mad about it you should be happy she's following her dreams." I rolled over facing her. "I'm not mad, I'm more hurt than anything, and I'm happy but I don't want her to leave when she just got here." Demi nodded, kissing my forehead. "I love you." I smiled. "Thanks for trying to make me feel better." She looked hurt and I felt my heart ache. "What?" I asked and she shook her head rolling over. "Nothing, just sleep you have school tomorrow."

Demi POV

I was a little heartbroken at the fact she ignored my love. She just became mine and I was already losing her to Laura and the rest of the world.

Brandi's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing and quickly grabbed it from my bedside table, answering it my morning voice noticeable. "Hey Brandi." Laura's voice chimed from the other side. "Hey, why are you calling?" "Um kind of wanted to take you out for a while so I can sort things out before I leave tonight." My mom came out of nowhere, bursting into my room. "Hey! What the hell?! I like privacy ya know?!" She laughed and grabbed the phone away from me. "No, she has plans with me because I love her more." I rolled my eyes. "Don't believe her, she's just jealous." I yelled loud enough for Laura to hear me. Demi groaned, throwing the phone in my lap and leaning in to kiss my cheek. "I'll come pick you up in a few minutes." "Okay, love you. bye." "Bye." I hung up and attempted to roll out of bed only to be snatched back down by Demi. "No, don't go, stay with me." I groaned internally not wanting to reject her because I honestly didn't want to talk this over with Laura. "I have to go." She pulled me closer and I felt maybe one word could change her mind. "Mom... Pleeaaassseee let me go!" She looked shocked then a grin replaced it. "Did you call" I nodded and she let me go. "Be home before 9:00." "9:30." "9:15." I groaned fine. "10:00, bye see ya later." I replied pulling a shirt over my head and running out the door. I sat at the end of the driveway, playing on my phone while waiting for Laura. A car pulled up and I glanced up at her car, climbing in. I leaned over the middle console pecking her lips before sitting back down. "So where we going?" She shrugged. "It's a surprise." Laura pulled up to a private beach and pulled me out of the car grasping my hand. She led me to a little area she had set up with a fire and blankets. I sat down and she cuddled into me. "This is so lame." I replied and she chuckled, shifting a bit. "I kind of figured, but it was last minute." She leaned back popping a grape into her mouth. "So what did you want to talk about?" She looked into my eyes saddened. "I want to know you'll be okay while I'm gone." I shoo my head. "I'll never be okay with you leaving, but I want you to go if you're sure this is what you want."

You liar. Truth is I didn't want her to leave. Everything in me was against it even if that's what she wanted but love. Love is sacrifice, love is patient, love isn't selfish.

I scooted closer to her and She leaned in so we were breathing the same air as she quickly kissed me. I returned it kissing her back with just as much passion as she had. "I love you." She mumbled into the kiss, pulling away for air. "Let's just hold you in the moment and forget the future for a while." I whispered as she kissed me again this time harder, she licked the bottom of my lip begging for an entrance and I let her as she gripped my waist and pulled me closer as our legs overlapped. I smiled and closed my eyes, wanting badly to forget that I wouldn't be this close to her for long while after tonight. She deepened the kiss and we battled she moved swiftly so she was sitting in my lap and I wrapped my arms around her while she gripped the bottom of my shirt but I pulled it down, backing out of our intimate kiss. "Laura, I can't, it will just hurt me more once your gone." She got off my lap, resting back beside me awkwardly. "I'm sorry." She mumbled just above the noise of the crashing waves. "No, don't say sorry. There's no reason to be sorry." She intertwined our hands and sat in front of me. "Okay. I won't apologize because I wanted you but I will apologize because I'm leaving you heart broken. That's why I wanted to talk to you." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Don't do this." A tear fell into my lap and she wiped it away with her thumb. "No, no babe. Just listen. I could never hurt you." Whispers came and She lifted my head looking into my eyes. "No matter what I'm coming back for you. I'll always be there for you." I shook my head, tears staining my face and dropping into my lap. "It's not the same, you being here physically means I feel your love. I can't feel that over a phone call." I slid closer and I could tell her features showed signs of the sympathy and guilt of the pain she was causing me. "I love you, no matter what." She whispered and kissed me again wrapping her arms around me. I took in every bit of this moment because guess what? I couldn't dare waste away the last few minutes with my girl. "Always?" She pulled away a smile playing across her face. "Forever and always." The sun was now below the crashing waves and she looked at her phone. "It's time, I gotta hit the road." She pulled me up, gathering all evidence of our date and stashed it in the trunk of her car. The car ride to my house was silent. I listened to her beating heart as I lay on her chest, silent tears falling. She gave my hand a light squeeze and gripped the steering wheel with the other until we pulled into the driveway and we sat, staring at the house. "How can I survive if you leave?" She chuckled. "Babe you'll make it. I'll visit every chance I get." She leaned over, taking my face in her hands and firmly placing her lips on my own one last time. I never wanted to pull back, you know those love stories that describe the kiss as pure bliss and fireworks going off? Well I don't want to be the one to tell you this, but I felt something close to it. From the butterflies to the fireworks. I was in heaven for a split second and when she pulled back, looking into my eyes I knew what we had was stronger than the distance. I knew we were built to last. "I'll miss you." She mumbled against my lips. I sighed and got out, walking towards the door only turning at the last second to watch half my heart drive away. "Bye baby." I whispered and opened the door to Demi and Maddie sitting on the couch.

"Hey Brandi!" They both cheered gleefully. I ignored them, pressing on up the stairs and closing my door, leaving behind the world. I sat in my room alone until a knock interrupted my silent heart broken crying. It was tearing me apart inside. "Brandi can I come in?" It was Maddie. "Sure." She opened the door and I sat up, clutching the pillow to my chest, tear stained and hurting. "What did you want?" She shook her head, shifting to sit on the bed. "I want to talk to you." She pinched my cheek and I pulled away. "Maddie-" she cut me off. "I know Your having a hard time cause Laura left but you have me." It's not the same. It will never be the same. Not as long as my girlfriend is a million miles away. My phone went off with a text from Laura.

Laura: always remember that my loves like a star I'm here whenever you need me.

I smiled at her mentioning Demi's song lyrics and I put the phone down but a frown replaced it at the heart string being torn. Was that my life now? My theme song of life now? Love has no distance nor does it die if it really is true love then it shall keep it's strong bond forever and always.


Sooooooo. I am so close to revising this whole book. I've realized just how good this book would've been with the changes I've made so I'm proud to say that I'm a couple of chapters away from completing the revision.

Stay strong


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