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     I took him home with me.

     He wanted to come home with me, and I let him. The woods were starting to make me uncomfortable, and the idea of laying in my bed and relaxing sounded like heaven. And I obviously wasn't going to say no to this adorable little fucking fox-human looking at me with those big green eyes and saying, "I go?"

     Yes, Ryan. You can go with me.

     He held onto one of the loops on my jeans, wearing my jacket and marching along with me as we left the woods. Fuck me, he's precious. I barely know him, but think of it like this;

     You see a puppy on the side of the road. No collar, no home, nothing. It's a huge, scary world, and this puppy it the cutest thing you've ever seen. And it's the sweetest little creature ever. You can bring it home with you, or leave it there.

     Are you going to leave this tiny little creature you fall in love with instantly on the side of the road, all alone? Fuck no. That's the situation I'm in, basically. So if Ryan wants to come home with me, I'm damn well going to let him.

     Ryan tugged at my sleeve, looking at me with those dopey doe eyes. "Up, up?" He requested, frowning. "Feet hurt." He stated. Naturally, I gave in when he made grabby hands at me, and I scooped him up off of the ground, carrying him.

     I held him against my chest as I walked, humming out of habit to myself. Ryan rested his head on my shoulder, and shut his eyes. He mumbled something along the lines of, "I protect, good thing" before, conk!, he was out like a goddamn light (and adorable as ever, might I add..).

     So, I pretty much just.. carried him the entire ways home. And he slept the whole time, mumbling and doing that cute little thing dogs do when they're sleeping where they'll twitch around and move their little paws and just, fuck me, why does he have to be so.. cute?

     Not that I'm complaining by any means. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. And, well, when life gives you a fox-human-creature that wants to protect you (as much as you want to protect it, because it's so precious), you don't question it, you just sort of accept it and say, "Fuck yeah, this is some good shit."

     As I'm sure you've guessed, that's what I'm doing. Besides, who wants to question something as cool as this? Once you look past the whole 'I'm probably being targeted by cannibalistic forest freaks and bloodsucking creatures of the night' thing, this is pretty cool.

     Ryan made a little growling noise, clutching my t-shirt as I held him and rubbing his face against my shoulders. Being the sappy fucker I am, I had to stop and 'awww' at that.

     When I got home, I set Ryan down on the sofa and tidied up the living room a bit. I would have made something to eat, but because I procrastinate chronically, my house is pretty much void of anything edible at this point.

     Last week, I went to eat a fucking yogurt, and not checking the label was a mistake. Because two bites in and a whole lot of reevaluating my fucking life, I realized that I somehow still had yogurt that expired two fucking years ago.

     If that tells you anything about my level of procrastination, you'll understand my pain right now. I'm living off of bottled water and stale saltine crackers. My mother would be so disappointed.

     I sat down beside Ryan on the couch, grabbing a book to read while I waited for him to wake up. I'll admit, it's nice not being alone.

A/N: short, sort of funny update. that yogurt situation happened to me last week, because my grandma never fucking throws old shit away. i'm suffering. anyway, goodnight~

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