♕ | sleepy

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Ryan was pretty damn whooped after a day full of wandering around the library. It was at around six o'clock when he curled himself up on the carpet, hugged his bag of marshmallows and fell asleep at my feet. Ricky 'awww'ed at that almost as much as I did, going on and on about how cute he thought Ryan's fluffy little fox ears were. They are pretty fucking cute, I must admit..

"I'm gonna stay a little late to finish up a few things," Ricky told me. "You should head out, though. Ryan looks like he could use somewhere more comfortable to sleep than the floor," He teased me as he strode across the room to his desk, shuffling some papers around.

I chuckled, glancing down at Ryan. He'd curled himself right up around my feet, so I was pretty much stuck. I'd have to pick him up, but that idea didn't bother me in the slightest.

"Alright, mom," I teased Ricky right back, leaning down and carefully picking Ryan- and his beloved bag of marshmallows,- up. He's probably going to be sad when he runs out- he really seems to like marshmallows, and I don't wanna see him upset.. I'll figure something out.

"See you tomorrow, Rick," I said, holding Ryan close as I headed for the doors. It was going to be quite a long walk home. Walking around at night freaks me the fuck out; Ricky usually drives me home. But, I'll walk through the icy cold soul sucking darkness of the outside world so Ryan can be comfortable back at home.

It's worth it, if you ask me.

Bidding my best friend one last goodbye, I headed outside. Fuck, there's nothing that makes me more uncomfortable than walking outside, alone; especially when there's not a car in sight, and it's foggy as all hell out.

Okay, so I'm a pussy. Yeah, the tall-as-fuck badass librarian who patronizes teenagers to 'shush' in the library day in and day out is afraid of the dark. Bite me.

Anyway, I found myself speed walking and, every once and awhile, glancing around. The only thing keeping me from breaking out into a full on sprint was a lingering fear of accidentally dropping poor little Ryan, and I wasn't having that.

There's something unsettling about having it so dark outside that, when I'm not close to the street lamps, I can't even see my own feet on the cement of the sidewalk. There's something unsettling about the lack of noise, lack of light, and lack of people.

I guess holding Ryan sort of helped. His ears would twitch and he'd make the cutest noises, which was sort of relaxing.

Every once and awhile, though, I'd hear this little.. I dunno.. a noise I guess I can only really describe as clicking and snapping. If you're thinking I started running down the street like a little bitch, well..

You'd be absolutely right. I ran like fuck the last few blocks to my house, bolted inside and slammed the door right the fuck shut. I don't know how, but Ryan slept right through it.

You know the feeling of being home alone as a kid, and your pet wants to hang out alone, but you're scared and bring them to bed with you anyway? That was my case with Ryan. No way in fuck would I make him sleep on the couch.

I set Ryan down in bed carefully, and I didn't bother trying to detach him the marshmallows, either. I changed into my pajamas, turned the lamp on, lit a few candles (for extra light), and flicked the bedroom light off. I closed the curtains and crawled into bed with Ryan, keeping an arm over him.

I know what you're probably thinking;

'Wow, you look so tough but you're such a pussy bitch, what the hell? Who gets scared over shit like that and runs home over a tiny noise?'

But, fuck you and fuck your thoughts. I don't know why I got so freaked out, but hey, it happened and I'm tired, so I guess whatever might be lurking out there contemplating killing me or whatever will just have to wait until tomorrow.

A/N: shitty chapter- sorryyyyy. gonna be publishing the first chapter of Hurt Me (originally titled Silence) soon, tho!! (i took down the intro, but that will be republished too.) for anyone who doesn't know; it is basically a reboot of the original Hurt Me, except polyamorous instead of purely Cyan.

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