♕ | cold

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Ryan seemed comfortable with Ricky around, and Ricky didn't seem to mind him, either. They kept to themselves, mostly because while Ryan was busy with his bag of marshmallows, Ricky was busy with putting books back in their respective places.

Ricky squeaked, almost falling off of the chair he was standing on when one of the books fell off the shelf to the left of him. Frowning, I walked over and picked it up. "Clumsy today?" I inquired, handing it back to him. "Guess so. Today's not-" He had started, another book falling on the opposite side of the chest. He balled his fists, huffing. "Christ! The shelves fucking reject anything I put on them." He muttered, hopping off of the chair and crossing his arms.

It's sort of amusing to see some short, goth, vampire-looking motherfucker stomping around mumbling about books and his awful luck. Talk about dynamite in a tiny package- I wonder if because he's short, he's closer to the Devil and that's why his temper is so bad.

Then again, by that logic, I'd be closer to God cause I'm so tall. But seeing as that definitely isn't the case, I'm going to debunk my Ricky theory right here and now. Oh well.

Ryan had crawled out from under the desk, still clutching that bag of marshmallows. He certainly loved them. "Ghosts?" He spoke up (totally not creepy).

Ricky glanced at Ry, cocking an eyebrow and saying, "Ghosts? In a library..? Why?" He asked, sounding almost amused. I mean.. why would any ghost want to spend all eternity in a library? Well.. for bookworms like Ricky, life after death in a library would be fucking amazing, I suppose.

     Tilting his head, Ryan's ears perked up and he just.. watched me. Or, behind me, rather. You know when animals stare at you- really creepily, might I add,- but they're really looking behind you? Yeah. It's like that.

     "It's cold in here," Ryan said softly, biting his lip. It was pretty cute, the way his sharp little teeth poked out..  "Ghosts." He confirmed with a nod before wandering off between the shelves, just exploring around in silence.

     Ricky ran a hand through his hair and looked up at me. "Weird huh..?" He mumbled. Shaking his head, he climbed back up onto the chair he had been standing on previously, and got back to work. I did the same, organizing the books he hadn't gotten to putting back up on the shelves just yet.

     I could hear Ryan scuffling around, but he wasn't saying anything, so I figured he was doing alright exploring all by his lonesome. Either way, he seemed happy with what he was doing, so I didn't bug him. After a few rounds around the perimeter of this floor of the library, he came back to me and sat down by my feet, looking up at me. "Safe now!" He said with the most adorable, proud little grin. He rested his head against my knee, and I ruffled his hair, half smiling. "My hero." I said dramatically.

     Ricky snickered, smirking at me from where he was and making a heart with his hands, mouthing something that looked like an 'awww.' He could have been yawning; hell if I know.


     Ryan just stayed put, curled up against my legs. I didn't mind- he looked really cute like that, anyway, and I'd be an awful person to disturb him.

     I glanced out the window, blinking. The weather looked like hell out there- Pennsylvania is almost as bipolar as New York is, and fuck, it's snowing out now. Great, right? Lovely.

     I hate snow.. Cold weather is one thing, but snow is a whole other story. I'm not too sure what's worse; snow itself, or when it starts to melt and the roads are all slushy or icy.

     Ricky seemed focused on something, but I didn't pay much attention. He didn't necessarily seem like something was wrong- he just seemed sort of intrigued by whatever he was reading. Then again, Ricky's intrigued by a lot of things.

     I glanced down at Ryan, chuckling softly. He looked so cute. I was almost tempted to pinch his cheeks and ramble on about how fucking adorable he is. But, you know, that'd be weird, so I didn't.

A/N: oh look, an update !

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