♕ | truth

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A/N: if anyone wants me to write oneshots, i'll be doing that on my other account, 570jpg .. the only oneshot up is a Malec one (the dudes from the pic in the last chapter) lmao but it can be any ship or whatever :b

     I guess we didn't have much a choice but to wait until after dark to go meet up with the guys. After all, Ange would have fried himself if he tried to go out in the daylight. At least, that's what Ricky tells me. I'm gonna take his word for it; I don't want Ange to hurt himself.

     Being classy as fuck, we settled on meeting up at some dingy little diner. Ricky insisted it had to be there; apparently the owners and staff were half breeds.

     Vinny was, surprisingly, on time. In regards to everyone else? Let's just say we were waiting a long while for our little group to show up. Josh didn't show, but Angelo insisted it was only because he was out of town with Ryan-Ashley.

     We tried our best to cram into a booth, but, since there were seven of us total, we had to steal a few chairs from another table.

     Ricky sighed and waved a hand. "We're safe to look as we are," He grumbled, and when I looked up again, he was back to looking like the demon he's apparently always been. He's still Ricky; He's still my best friend. I'm not gonna disown my friends because they're different.

     Ryan was snuggled up to my side, ears perked up and tail curled. Angelo was quiet as ever. "Can you close your eyes for a sec..?" He mumbled, "I don't like having people watch." He almost whined. It was almost amusing; you would have thought Ricky had asked him to get naked or something.

     "You ah, y'understand why I can't, right?" Vinny chimed in, flailing a hand to the 'NO PETS ALLOWED' sign. It's good to see his jokes are finally making sense. Well, more so than usual. "Yeah," I said, covering my eyes. "Of course."

     After a few seconds and some rather uncomfortable sounding noises, Angelo gave the okay to open my eyes; and I did.

     He looked a whole lot paler, if it was even possible, skin milky white and eyes a hazy crimson. "Not so bad, huh..?" He spoke softly, glancing around the table.

     Ricky definitely looked the most outlandish. Mike was a close tie, looking like a corpse. Devin looked about the same, just.. a little more unsettling. If I didn't know him, I would have assumed he was a woman.

     "Just spill it on what you are," Ricky said, "He wont hate us. Tell him what you're comfortable with."

     Feels like a weirder version of group therapy, sort of. Angelo started off. "I'm.. obviously.. a vampire. I was human, when we were growing up. I got bit when I was off at college- it's kinda why I came back." He explained. That made sense, because I'd grown up with him, and he definitely aged the same as I did. Well, not that he will anymore, but still.

     "I'm a witch," Devin mused. "Makes sense, doesn't it?" He chimed, twirling his hair. He stared at Vinny almost the entire time, I had to note. "I've been alive since the Salem Witch Trials," He explained, and I nodded a little.

     Mike seeped a sigh. "I'm a Ghoul. I eat corpses. When I've gotta, anyway. Kinda appalling, huh?" He trailed off, eyes narrowed at me. "You so think it's disgusting," He sighed. "So do I. Not my choice, though," He shrugged.

     "You're still you," I told him. "You just, ah.. eat.. dead bodies." I said with a nervous laugh. He just grinned. "Ah-huh."

     Vinny twirled his hair, pouting a little. "I'm a werewolf, duh. Experimental. My parents were kinda unusual. Mom was a witch, dad was a wolf. I'm kinda.. I dunno. I'm a wolf, I just got stuck with the immortality of a witch. They were gonna burn me back in Salem, and long story short, that was the day I decided it's not a good idea to piss Dev off." He chirped. Devin snickered. "Mhm."

     Lastly, Ricky spoke up. With a deadpan expression, he sighed. "I used to work Ouija Boards." He stated bluntly. I couldn't help laughing, and he narrowed his eyes at me. "Ouija Boards are basically the Walmart of Hell," He half-whined. "No one likes it."

     Angelo snickered. "They've got a rule not that makes it so demons can't really kill the people they fuck with- tell him what you did," He half-grinned.

     Ricky groaned. "I tried to be scary. Pulled a little 'backward limbs, crawling around' bullshit. I was possessing this little girl, and I kinda.. sorta.. maybe.. spun her head around like an owl. Not exactly something you can bounce back from." He stated awkwardly.

    I blinked, mouth hanging open a bit. "Remind me never to piss you off." I said.

     Ricky just grinned one of those dorky little smiles. "Uh huh."

i'll be there | cyan [c]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang