♕ | evil

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I don't think I've ever seen Mike look so angry. Not at Spencer, or Ashley, and shockingly not at me. Just at the situation in general, I guess. He forced himself to calm down after Ashley mentioned how skittish Spencer would probably be if whatever magic she'd used had worn off.

"All that matters," Mike sighed, "Is that everyone's safe. You know, I'm sick of not being notified sooner on this shit," He stated unhappily, arms folded across his chest. "When I find whatever angel did this," He growled, "I'm going to cut it's fingers off one by one, and roast the damn thing alive over a fire of it's own burning fucking flesh. That thing had the fucking audacity to deem Spencer as disgusting, but turn around and do this shit? Hypocritical motherfu-"

"He's awake, if you want to see him," Ashley interrupted, probably saving me from a long rant. With a promise to talk to me later, Mike disappeared to be with Spencer.

Ryan was hugging my arm so tightly it was going numb. Mike is usually a douchebag. I say that as nicely as I can, but he's an asshole. It's just the truth. But seeing him with Spencer was like being in an alternate universe or some shit. He was actually careful around him. Dare I say he was being genuinely gentle with someone for once- it was pretty cute.

     Spencer was holding Mike's hand, tail curled around his leg as he apologized sheepishly for what he'd done, insisting that it had been some sort of influence, that he was just scared and confused and that he can't remember much of what happened up until slitting his wrists and throat.

     Looking at Spencer, you just couldn't help but feel terrible for him. He didn't deserve any of what had happened.

     "Don't apologize, it's not your fault," Mike said, holding Spencer's hands in his own. "Not really, anyway. What matters is that you're still alive," He said. "So try and calm down a little, okay? Ricky is working in figuring out what happened and who did this to you." He said.

     Ryan tugged on my sleeve, making grabby hands at me. He looked almost sad. I leaned down a little and picked him up,
both hands under his butt. It was just easier that way. He wrapped his legs around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder, flicking his tail back and fourth. "Bad things are going to keep happening," he said, unhappily.

     "What makes you say that?" I asked gently. He nuzzled my neck. "Light creatures don't like clairvoyants like you, Chris.. They think it's bad to see things.. Dark to neutral creatures are okay with it. That's why we're all so attracted to you- Because some of us don't mind what you are. But angels want you dead..

     And an angel being here.. doing what it did to Spencer..? I don't know how- I just feel it,- but bad stuff is gonna happen. Not all dark creatures are very nice.. I stayed in the woods to protect something, and I thought it'd be safe without me there- I just wanted to be close to you," He babbled.

     I frowned. "Ryan, I'm not angry. And no one else will be. But what is it that you were protecting..? It sounds pretty important if you're this worked up about it," I stressed gently.

     He looked at me with teary emerald eyes, pouting, his lip wobbling. He seemed pretty damn upset. "A portal," He said miserably. "I was supposed to protect a portal. But I didn't, and if an angel is here.. it's going to attract the really bad dark creatures. If they find that portal, we're in big trouble.."

     The feeling of dread was like a slap to the face. "And uh.. Do I want to know what's going to happen if they do find it?"

     Ryan swallowed thickly. "Lets just say.. the dark creatures on Earth came here to be free to have their opinions. Hell has a really big population of really mean creatures that don't much care for people like Spencer or Ricky, or me, or anyone who's tolerant. If they come to Earth, humans can say goodbye to freedom. And then all of us tolerant dark creatures will probably be executed or- or something,-" He was rambling again.

     I sighed softly, closing my eyes. "That won't happen." I stated firmly, though, I wasn't quite sure.

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