♕ | close call

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     Ashley managed to save him. Thank fuck.. I don't know what I would have done.. what I would have told Ricky, if Spencer had managed to kill himself like that. I was watching over him, still frowning.

     He looked at peace, almost, only because he was asleep, high on whatever Ashley had given him to calm down. He had relaxed, breathing soft and steady and even. I sighed. I feel guilty; I can't help it.

     Spencer, the street performer. Spencer, who volunteers at the animal shelter. Spencer, a demon who had never done anything he didn't have to; who had never done anything to warrant such brutality directed at him.

     Ashley's magic could only do so much for him at once. She had healed the cut on his throat, a thin white line of a scar left in it's place. I had been the one to bandage his wrists up while Ash calmed him down as much as he could. I think showing me what had happened to him had lifted a lot of stress; he had regained some of the colour to his skin, and whatever Ashley had calmed him with had brought him into a giggly, loopy state until he had fallen asleep, shaking.

     "This isn't your fault," Ashley told me, using a wet washcloth to clean the blood off of Spencer's face while he slept. "You couldn't have known that he was going to pull something like that." She added.

     I sighed. I had sent Ryan out of the room, because he had been shaken up even more so than I had by Spencer's suicide attempt. "Is he going to be okay-? I mean.. I know you can't tell, but if you had to take a guess..?"

     Ashley sighed, dipping the washcloth back into the bowl of warm water and wringing it out before going back to trying to clean Spencer up. There was so much blood. On him, on the bed sheets, on me.. "After things calm down? I think he'll be okay, yeah.. Never the same, though," She admitted.

     It seemed like forever before Spencer was even remotely close to not being soaked in blood. "Can you pick him up for a second? I should change the bedsheets.. When he wakes up, I'll have him put some clean clothes on.."

     I nodded, carefully picking him up. He made a little whimpering noise, and Ashley spoke what I was thinking. "Like a puppy who's been kicked too many times," She said, prying the sheets off of the bed. She removed the cases from the pillows, putting everything in a pile. Snapping her fingers, the bloodied sheets vanished, replaced with a clean set. "Can't help but pity the fear demons. They can't help the things they've got to do," Ashley said as she started to put the sheets back on the bed.

     I held Spencer, just looking him over. He felt so light.. Light, and cold. The colour had come back to him, that much was true, but the warmth certainly hadn't.

     Ashley sprawled a couple of towels out on the freshly maid bed so I could set Spencer back down without him bloodying up the clean sheets. "Do you want to call Michael, or shall I?" She asked.

     I blinked. "Michael? Do you mean Mike-..? Why would we need to call him?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow. Ashley scrunched her nose up, looking at me. "You don't know?"

     I narrowed my eyes. "Don't know what?" I asked, carefully setting Spencer on the towels. Ashley looked dumbfounded. She spoke up again, and the way she said what she did was like if she were to tell me what time it was, or the day of the week.

     "Mike is Spencer's husband. I think he is going to want to know about a suicide attempt."

A/N: yep, you read that correctly. bite me. 😂💅🏻

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