♕ | hell in the hallways

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A/N: trying to make my writing more interesting. newest fic is a police AU. don't let the cover fool you; it is MIW fanfic, i'm just bringing in other fandoms/bandoms to spice it up. it's called Vertigo. the other new fic i have is called De La Mort (Of Death) and it's basically just vampires lmao. anyway. sorry my updates are few and far between.

title has nothing to do w/ the chapter btw

It wasn't as odd as you might guess. Adapting to being able to see Ricky, I mean. Ricky, the way he really is. He explained that now that everything is out in the open, it wouldn't be worth his energy to try and block me seeing him for what he is. Something having to do with now that I know what he is,- what my friends are and what's out there,- that's what I'd be more apt to see in others, anyway. People- all sorts of creatures,- for what they are.

His blazing eyes did still startle me at times, though. Aside from that, I had gotten used to the occasional heavy thump of his tail hitting the ground, among other things. The only thing that still bothered me a bit was the pained expression whenever he touched any books relating to religion. I offered to put them away, but Ricky is a bookworm. Demon or not, he's damn determined to read about whatever he wants- religion, even if it hurts him to do it.

He tells me that wearing gloves wouldn't help, either, so I guess that's out of the question. Underworld creatures, he tells me, cannot touch religion. Angelo especially. According to Ricky, demons, ghouls, whatever; they can all bear to be around religious items, but touching them may hurt a bit. But vampires, according to Ricky, can't even stand to be around people who are praying. Poor Angelo must have it pretty bad.

Ryan was sat by the window, peering out it. He looked to be in deep thought, but there was something else. A look of concern. Fear, maybe. Something unpleasant.

Meanwhile, Ricky was sat at his desk, a book in his hands. He was silent, as per usual. That was something that hadn't changed much.

"Chris?" He spoke up, "Tell me why you think supernatural creatures are so attracted to you. What is it about you that makes us all want to be close?" He didn't look up from his book, but it still felt like his eyes were fixed on me.

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe I'm just that sexy," I said dramatically. Ricky snorted. "Not all of us want to get into your pants. I, for one, would not fuck you if you were the last person on earth," he teased. I rolled my eyes, saying, "I know. You're too tiny." I smirked.

Ricky scoffed. "Right. Just answer the question, would you, jackass?"

"I don't know." I answered honestly. "What do you think?"

He gave a hum and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure. You could be a reincarnation of someone we all knew, but it's unlikely. Maybe you're from a mixed bloodline? I haven't got a clue." He said.

I glanced at Ryan. "What do you think then, my little fox?" I inquired curiously. Ryan turned to look at me. His emerald eyes were wide and curious, and he tilted his head with his ears perked right up. "Maybe," he began in a gentle tone, "it's because you're tolerant of us. You accept us." He told me as he turned back to gaze out the window. "Not everyone is like that." He said, sounding a bit sad.

Ricky pursed his lips, saying nothing. Something about expressions on Ricky's face- even on Ryan's,- told me that whatever experiences they'd had with humans prior to me must have been highly unpleasant.

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