♕ | act natural

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A/N: if you haven't noticed, it took down a fuckload of stories (sorrynotsorryi'mjustreallyuninspiredpleasedon'tkillmeipromisei'llmakeitupsomehowbecausetrustmeihatethisasmuchasyoudo..........) so here's another update on this as a little 'i'm sorry.'

what kind of topics/under-used shit do you guys wanna see in fics? because i really need some help. i'm unmotivated and uninspired pls send sos.

vampires? ghouls? what? i don't think i have any stories about vampires (aside from like.. Little Monster,,) but they're still cliché as fuck

     Ryan insisted on coming to the store with me when I told him I had to go and buy some things. I wasn't going to tell him no, so I agreed (duh).

     "You've gotta put some clothes on, though. Okay?" I told him. He agreed. My clothes were all way too big on him (since I'm basically a human tree), and the end result was him wearing a pair of my shorts and a t-shirt that went almost to his knees. And, well, a hoodie of mine since it's pretty cold out. As for the situation on shoes, I had to call in reinforcements for that.

     I knew Ricky only had one pair of shoes, I crossed him off of the Ask List. Same with Angelo, who just.. didn't really have a big shoe collection either. And Mike is my height, only a size or two down with shoes. So, he was off the list too. Josh mostly owns platforms, and I figured those would be too tough for Ryan to walk in. Devin, well, he mostly owns heels or fashionable shoes; so off the list he goes.

     So, that left me to call Vinny up. Now, don't get me wrong, he's shorter than Ricky. You'd think that'd mean he'd wear about the same size shoes, but he's fucking Bigfoot or something. Ryan looks like he'd fit a pair of Vin's shoes, so that was who I called.

     Vinny lives like, a two minute's walk away, so it wasn't a long wait, and luckily for Ryan and I, he did have a pair of shoes that fit. I was rather pleasantly surprised when my Chatty Cathy of a friend didn't question the random fox-eared stranger. He just kinda gave Ryan a look-over and one of those 'alright, we're good' nods, saying "I dig the ears. Cute," before heading back out.

     I probably should have been at least a little weirded out by Vinny's lack of questioning Ryan, but knowing him, be probably wasn't surprised to see someone like Ry with someone like me.

     After that whole ordeal was settled out, i made sure Ryan's tail was tucked up into his shirt and his ears were covered by a hat (a beanie, which he pretty much fell in love with instantly). I took him by the hand, and and we were off.


     Ryan was actually pretty obedient in the grocery store. I half expected him to act like a little kid (except not as bratty and obnoxious), and I figured I'd have to constantly patronize him with, 'Don't touch that' and 'Leave that alone.'

     But he was the perfect angel, really. He did get a little whiny at times, though, because his feet hurt. I let him sit in the cart, though, because I didn't want him to be sad or upset or anything.

     "See anything that you think looks good?" I asked. His curious eyes scanned the shelves as I pushed the cart along, slowly, since we were the only ones in that isle and I was in no rush.

     He made a humming noise, looking focused whilst he examined the shelves. Just as we reached the end of the isle, his green eyes went wide and he pointed to the object of his fascination, making the cutest damn squeaking noise I've ever heard. And mind you, squeaking noises are usually obnoxious as fuck.

     Anyway, it was a bag of marshmallows that he wanted, and being the giant I am, reaching them way up on the top shelf wasn't an issue. My only condition in getting them for him was telling him he had to at least wait until we got into the car to open the bag, since I didn't want him to make a mess in the store.

     Happily, he agreed. He just seemed awestruck and gleeful at the fact marshmallows existed. Maybe he's never seen them, or maybe he has. I don't know, but he seemed enthralled, and fuck, I'd be a criminal if I didn't let him have those.

     He didn't seem too interested in much else aside from the isles with fruits and vegetables. He went on and on about the bright colours and weird shapes- he especially liked the way kiwis looked. Mostly because he thought they were cute.

     I don't like kiwis because I think they taste like a shit version of apples, but I grabbed one for the fuck of it in case Ryan wanted to try it.

     He still looked damn excited about those marshmallows, though.

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