♕ | work again

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A/N: yo. can't remember the title but i know i used to have steampunk story. recycled the idea, so the new fic is poly (probably mostly sitkolson) and it's called Flawed so if you're into steampunk, ayyyye.

Okay, so, I had to go back to work eventually. But I mean.. no way in hell was I going to leave poor Ryan all alone at home all by himself. That would have been cruel. So, I let him tag along. With that bag of marshmallows. I think he might have fallen in love with them, because he sure seems to like them.

Anyway. I was the first one there (and mind you, Ricky is my one and only coworker..), so I didn't get any questions about Ryan.

It was pretty early, and Ricky's no doubt still asleep if he isn't just getting up. I started working on getting the returned books back to their rightful spots on the shelves, and Ryan curled himself up under my desk, making himself comfortable there. There's a couch in the library basement, but he's dead set on staying where he can see me. I don't really mind.

What with it being a Saturday, I doubt any kids are going to bother coming in. Who does homework on a Saturday, anyway? You either do it on a Friday, pack it all into a Sunday, or don't do it (unless you decide to cram it into the ten minutes before first period, I suppose. I was that kid). It just doesn't fucking happen.

     Ryan looked so cute curled up under my desk. He was nibbling at a marshmallow, seeming rather content in doing so. Still, he looked happy, and that was enough to make me smile like a dweeb.

     When I heard the door open, I glanced at it. Poor Ricky looked like he had just rolled out of bed- he even looked paler than usual. Someone's sick, I see. "What happened to you?" I asked, smirking.

     "J-Jai-" He started, turning away and stifling a sneeze. He coughed into his elbow, sniffling. "Jaime's got the flu, an' I was trying to help out.. You can see how well that worked," He said, sounding a bit nasally from the stuffy nose. He made his way to his desk, sitting down with a groan.

     Ryan's fluffyass ears perked up, and he peeked out from under the table. "Sick-sick?" He asked, eyeing me. Ricky looked up a bit, confused, and understandably so. "What-.." He slurred. "Am I like.. Having fever dreams-..?" He half-whispered. Ryan blinked at him. "Nuh-uh..?" He said. 

     I had to laugh softly, scratching the back of my neck. "So about that kitsune," I droned. I swear, the look on Ricky's face was a mix between ecstatic, half dead, and confused. And boy was it priceless. "That's him?" He asked.

     I nodded, running a hand through my hair. "Yep, that would be my little fox friend." I replied. "His name's Ryan, and uh.. He's really liking the fact that marshmallows exist." I said.

     Ricky stared at me, blinking slowly. "Mm.. Kay.. Alright, we.. We have a fox.. in the library.. and.. he likes marshmallows-..?" He said, processing it all. I've never seen Ricky Olson so confused.

     "Yeah," I said, cracking my knuckles and nodding. "Yeah, that's.. about spot on." I said. Ricky nodded slowly before promptly putting his head down on his desk and saying, "Right. He's uh.. very.. nice-..? It's too early for this," before shutting his eyes. I probably could have counted the seconds it took before he conked out, looking exhausted.

     I don't know much about this sort of thing, but I'm going to go out on a limb and just say it; I think he took that pretty well.

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