🌼 one

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A/n: This may not start out totally happy, but I promise it'll get better. ❤

Warnings- bullying


Tyler happily skipped through the empty hall, humming along with the tune stuck in his mind.

His black skirt swayed with his movements, gently skimming his soft, shaven legs. He felt quite lovely today, his baby blue crop top somehow complimented his naturally tan skin, and his floral vans made him look more petite. He made his way to the bathroom, pulling a small pouch from his pastel pink drawstring bag. He ran his fingers through his hair, spiking it up a little more, until he liked how it settled. Then he touched up his makeup, after all, it was fourth hour, and he smiled when he finished off his lipgloss.

He stopped like a dear in headlights when he heard shuffling in one of the stalls, and he began to rush and shakily pack everything pack in his bag. Not only was he shy, but he was a boy. So he always used the boys bathroom when necessary. He learned his lesson a while ago, to not let himself be alone in places like this, especially with the people at this school.

Fear struck too hard when he heard the stall door open and he dropped his pouch on the floor, sending makeup containers rolling everywhere. He couldn't get them all up in time, and he froze when he saw feet stop in front of him.

"Well, what do we have here?"

He didn't reply, he just forced his shaking hands to finish cleaning the mess. He stood and kept his eyes down, packing his stuff and heading for the door. His eyes widened when a hand grabbed his shoulder, turning him around, followed by a hand on his throat shoving him against the wall.

He looked up to see an unfamiliar jock, much taller than him, staring into his eyes like predator on prey.

"Hot.. so hot." His eyes trailed Tyler's body, giving Tyler an icky feeling when he eyed the bottom of his skirt and licked his lips. He was very close to Tyler, way too close for comfort, his breath smelling of cigarettes and poor hygiene.

Just as he swore the jock was going to hurt him, the bell rang.

"Lucky you." He chuckled. "You know, if you were a girl, I'd probably fuck you. Right here, right now. On this bathroom floor that's almost as filthy as you are." Tyler cringed at his unkind words and profanity, finally slipping from his grip and heading for the door. He yelped when that boy unexpectedly smacked his butt, harshly, and the tears he's been holding back finally fell freely when he heard his cruel laugh.

"Ty? What's the matter?" His best friend Jenna asked gently when she joined his side. He didn't reply, he just kept his head down and they rounded the corner. It was empty over here, so he pulled her into a hug and buried his head in her shoulder. He let out a pained sob, he just felt icky and scared, and she didn't hesitate to hug him back.

"Hey guys I just- Oh.." Ashley, Tyler's only other friend, joined them. Everyone called her Halsey, only Tyler and Jenna were aloud to call her by her real name. "Ty, hon? What happened?"

He pulled away gently, wiping his eyes with his sleeve, hating how his makeup was now smearing.

"Just.. boys." He choked out.

"Jocks again??" Ashley seemed pretty upset, Jenna just felt sympathetic.


"God damn it! Sorry for the language, ty, I'm just.. I hate when those jerks disrespect you the way they do." She shook her head and rubbed Tyler's back.

"What happened this time, Ty?"

"My neck hurts.."

Jenna and Ashley both looked like they'd hurt someone if fights didn't petrify Tyler. He believed you could solve problems with kind words and joining hands, so much that his friends weren't sure they could convince him what the real world's like. They looked at the clear hand mark reddening in Tyler's neck, their stomachs twisting in rage and sadness.

"Is it bad..?"

"Ty, did someone choke you?"

"Well..." He looked down shamefully.

"Tyler. Please be honest. Who did this to you?"

He sighed. "I.. don't know him. He just.. in the bathroom.." He choked on a sob. He was so tired of this. He was so tired of getting beaten and insulted. He's been through worse than this, there's even been a hospital visit, it's just that this might be the last straw.

"I-I'm thinking about moving schools."

"What? Ty, no! Sweetie, you can't let them win.."

"I don't know if I'd want online or a new school completely."

"Tyler.. please. Just.. give us one more chance to convince you to stay. What about the game on Friday? Would you consider coming with us and having some fun? Maybe dinner? On me." Jenna offered.

"I don't know.."


"Fine. Okay, I'll go." He sighed.

He turned to leave, but Ashley grabbed his wrist and she and Jenna both looked furiously at the bottom of his skirt.

"Did he hit you?"

He didn't say anything, he didn't look away from Ashley's intense gaze.

"Point him out at the game."

Tyler nodded.

Then he went back to the bathroom and redid his makeup, hiding the tear streaks and redness, keeping an ear and eye on the door just in case.


Hey beauties.

Sorry again for the sad start.

But Tyler is so smol in this story, so adorable. I can so imagine his petite form, can't you?

Anyway, I'll update as much as possible, if anyone actually reads this. Haha

You're all beautiful people, never forget that.


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