🌼 nine

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Tyler woke up to someone gently shaking him, which he realized was Josh standing outside the car door. His body was aching, his mind was boggled, he didn't know what to do with himself anymore.

The tears stopped a while ago, he just sat there looking emotionless even though on the inside he was afraid. Very afraid.

"Sweetheart." Josh spoke in a velvety soft voice. It made Tylers tummy feel warm.

"Baby, you gotta wake up. We're here." He gently stroked Tyler's cheek, but Tyler only furrowed his eyebrows and started to cry again. He couldn't hold it anymore.

"Oh, baby.." Josh said sympathetically, his entire body felt horrible because Tyler was so broken. He slid his arms under Tyler's knees and behind his back, smoothly picking him up bridal style. He held him close and sat on the edge of the seat for a moment, making sure Tyler was completely covered and warm under the blanket. He kissed the top of his head and let him cry it all out before he'd take him inside.

After a few minutes, Tyler calmed. He breathed in Josh's cologne and savored the feeling of Josh's gentle touches.

They're the only gentle touches he's ever received.

"You okay, baby?"

"You smell nice."

Josh let out an airy chuckle and stood. "You smell nice, too." He brought Tyler inside and up to his room, then laid him down underneath his blankets and tucked him in.

When he walked back out to go get Tyler's bags, he was met with his mother in her pajamas and a messy bun in the top of her head. Her arms were crossed and she had a very upset expression.

"Joshua, where on earth have you been?"


"No more excuses, young man. You've been late too many times, you promised you wouldn't do it again. Now you're more late than before and you won't tell me why. Are you doing drugs?" She sounded more sincere and worried than angry.

"Oh god no mom, I-"

"I'm sorry, Josh. You're grounded." She shook her head and turned to go back to her room, but almost crashed into a stranger in the process.

A boy stranger.

In a skirt.

She looked back at Josh with wide and confused eyes.

"Joshie, where's the- oh."

"The what, Ty?" He sighed knowing he'd have a lot of explaining to do.

"Um, th-the bathroom?" He nibbled on his white nail awkwardly and his cheeks turned bright red.

"Uh, down the hall on your left." Tyler nodded and made his way back.

"Okay mom, let me explain-"

"A-are you gay?" She stepped forward and set her hand on his shoulder. Joshs head fell forward and he nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, honey?" She giggled. He looked up confused. He didn't expect this reaction.

"Scared? I guess?"

"I think it's adorable. I love you, no matter who you love or what your sexuality is." She smiled.

"Thanks mom." He smiled back.

"Sooo... How long have you been together?"

"We aren't together." He laughed awkwardly.

"Mmhmmmmm. He's pretty cute." She teased and nudged him.

sweet as a flower. (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now