🌼 four

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A/N: I know Tyler is taller than Josh (he's exactly my height haha) I'm just doing this for the sake of the fic.


"C'mon Ty, my mom said I have to be home in half an hour." Jenna said getting up and throwing away her trash, pulling Tyler up by his hand on her way.

"But... I wanna stay a little longeerrr." He whined.

"Ty, you know my mom-"

"I'll stay with him then I can drive him?" Josh offered in more of a question than a statement. Ashley noticed, smiling slightly, knowing he's actually afraid of hurting Tyler. Or rather, what she'll do to him if he does.

"Ash? What do you think?"

"Hm. I think we can trust him." She smiled, but the look in her eyes when they made contact screamed '...As long as Tyler does. Hurt him and I'll light your house on fire with you inside.'

Josh tried to hide the horrified look on his face, but failed miserably, satisfying Ashley substantially.

"Yay!" Tyler spun on his tippy toes and clapped his hands quitetly, accidentally causing his skirt to flow up a smidge in the process.

Unfortunately, it was just enough to expose a tiny section of his red lacy panties to Josh.

Brendon really wasn't lying.

His eyes widened and he looked away quickly, clearing his throat and his face burning in contrast with his sky blue hair.

Nobody payed any attention to Josh's awkward few moments, or his uncontrollable growing problem in his boxers.

He hated teenage hormones, he fucking hated them. Like, come on, all he saw was a flash of red and he's seriously getting a boner? Is his body really that desperate?

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, smiling and waving to Halsey and Jenna as they walked out the doors.

"Thank you, Joshie." Tyler giggled and slid into the seat across from Josh. Somehow or another, Josh grew even more red at the nickname.

"You're welcome, Tyguy." He internally facepalmed at the ridiculous words he just spoke. What the fuck kind of name is Tyguy for someone you're crushing on? Especially if you don't even know if they identify as a guy?

He felt at ease, though, when Tylers cheeks grew a few shades of a darker pink and smiled.

"Um.. I just have one awkward question I want to get out of the way?"

"I'm a boy. I just like skirts. I just think they're very pretty."

"O-oh. I'm sorry if I offend-"

"No Joshie it's okay. I've been asked meaner questions than that." He shrugged like he was used to it, like it wasn't wrong.

"What do you mean by that, Ty?"

"I dunno. Just boys will be boys, is what the principal said."

"To what?"

"When number sixteen-"


"Ya, I think so. When we reported his actions. Him and- I've counted- forty six other boys have hurt me."

"Hurt you?" His jaw clenching angrily, his eyes remaining as soft as possible so it wouldn't scare Tyler. He reached across the table and set his hand on Tyler's, feeling him flinch slightly before he let his hand stay, making Josh's stomach turn.

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