🌼 twenty seven

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"I just.. do you really think it's a good idea?"

"Yes, mom. I promise you everything will be perfectly fine."

"I don't know, Josh.."

"Mom. Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I do, but-"

"If you really do trust me you'll let this happen."

"Josh. Please."

"Mom, I'm being serious. I promise you, I cross my heart, okay?"

"Well.. okay."



"Thank you.."

"Yeah, course. Um.. love you, honey."

"Love you too, mom."

And with that, he hung up. Josh had taken his time to explain the situation to his mother, and he wasn't sure if it was exhaustion or care for the boy or both, but she broke down crying on the other line.

She was ecstatic about the fact her practically adoptive son is awake.

Of course, she has her doubts. After two and a half months of Josh's self destruction and obsession, she really doesn't think it's a good idea for Tyler to stay there right away, she suggested he stays at Jenna's or Ashley's, but Josh was not having that.

She truly believes Josh will rush into it too soon and try to refresh Tyler's memory of everything they have done together too fast. She doesn't know how that would go but honestly she'd rather not find out.

But, Josh has his ways of getting what he wants, being a charming, well educated athlete. She couldn't say no to him, especially after how horrible his last few weeks have been, so she had no choice but to accept his desires.

He definitely could have told her sooner than two days before Tyler's sent home, though.

Josh hasn't stepped foot out of the hospital since Tyler woke up. Doctor Weekes feels so much hope for Tyler's future that he wants to make sure everything aspect of the present is how Tyler would want it to be, to make it more comfortable for him to adapt;

Argument free, and that stranger with funny colored hair always somewhere in it, whether in the room or down the hall.

He pulled some strings and reserved that room for Josh to sleep in, no matter how uncomfortable and cold it was at night. He just had to stay close in case something happens.

Josh hasn't been able to get their most recent conversation out of his head.

A mistake? Really? There's no way he actually feels that way. Right? Tyler loves his skirts and Bob's. He loves his makeup. He loves his pink drawstring bag. He loves his perfume...


Yeah.. and so does Josh.

He's almost positive it was Tyler's brain trauma that made him say those things. And anyhow, that'd be the obvious answer. Either way, it hurt Josh to the core. This isn't Tyler.

Unfortunately, some people wouldn't agree. Some people would try to argue 'of course it's still Tyler!' 'It's not like he switched bodies, he just switched styles!' Blah blah.

But this isn't the case. That style is what makes Tyler, Tyler. It was his signature thing, just like Josh's genuine giggle or the little bubble he gets under his squinty eyes when he smiles that makes all the girls (and some boys) around him practically melt into the floor. And you can't forget the main thing, his hair color. Which he should probably change soon, it's starting to look like shit to put it bluntly. Like frizzy seaweed.

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