🌼 eighteen

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I got on today and saw I passed 100 followers, I actually cried a little. Thank you guys so much for sticking with me and my awful talent at updating.


"He's... Still in the hospital?" Jenna crossed her arms over her chest and stepped back a little, looking down at the floor in disbelief. "I-I thought he was with you.. at your house? healing?"

Josh shook his head softly, sighing, and couldn't look back up at either of the girls. He couldn't help but feel like all of this was his fault.

"Josh," Halsey said almost inaudibly, stepping towards him with her eyes on the bandages. "What happened after we left?"

He looked at them as well, this time not because they felt like they were on fire, but because he just felt disgusted with himself for breaking down in such a manner.

"Well, I sat with Ty for a bit. I talked myself into a rage frenzy, I ended up punching the concrete wall a few times. It was almost like I blacked out, I don't even really remember much from that night, just that the-the doctor had told me there's a chance Tyler won't open his eyes." There it was, that same pang of pain and guilt in his chest every time those words left his mouth, no matter what form or order they were said in.

"Did-did he tell you the chances we will?" Jenna asked hopefully, looking up with nothing but faint hope and dullness in her eyes. She was losing her trademark demeanor.

"No. But I do know that the longer he's asleep, the more likely he'll remain that way."


~day thirty seven~

After speaking with Jenna and Halsey for the first time in what felt like forever, it was like a huge weight had been lifted off of Josh's shoulders. He had at last gotten the answer to his worrisome question about whether or not they hated him by now, which thankfully, they didn't. They said their moms still preferred that they remain distant until further notice, but Josh promised if anything was to come up Halsey and Jenna would be the first people he'd call. He didn't understand why their moms were so cold towards the situation, why would they keep their daughters from their best friend when he was on his possible deathbed? Perhaps they didn't understand the situation, or like it for that matter, because not many people born in generations beforehand understand a boy in a skirt. It was just a piece of fabric sewn differently than jeans, so why was it such a big deal? That's just another question for Josh to add to his never-to-be-answered list.

Finally, Josh's mom caved from the lack of sleep and energy. She allowed him to go, on one condition; that Josh would let her go, too.

She was absolutely exhausted, though, who wasn't at this point? She and Josh had matching bags under their eyes, and they both looked like they had just risen from the coffin after years of lying motionless​.

"Mom, we need to hurry," Josh egged on, only running on the fuel of seeing Tyler's face again. That's what kept him on his feet, that's what kept him from collapsing on the floor and giving up completely.

She finally slipped her flats on, swaying in the process of doing so, and grabbed her keys from the bowl by the door. Josh practically dragged her from her stance to the car, helped her in, then climbed in himself. Though the ride is only roughly five minutes, Josh was on the edge of the seat the whole time, watching signs and buildings go by with a restless and inpatient tap of his foot. He brushed the green hair from his sticky forehead with the bandages, the ones that were a lot thinner than in the beginning, and sighed quietly. They finally made it and Josh opened the door before his mother even put the car into park, ignoring her tired protests that faded as he distanced himself.

He ran to the familiar location and turned into Tyler's brightly lit room, stopping in his tracks when he only saw a nurse folding a sheet on the other side of the room.

"M-Miss? What happened to the boy in this room?" He asked nervously, the two words he expected her to say burning in his brain and his entire body swore against it.

"I don't know hun, usually they're moved if they stop breathing." She shrugged carelessly, a wave of panic washing over Josh when she said exactly what he didn't want to hear. He rushed out of the room to the receptions desk, almost tripping over his own foot, and stumbles up to the lady by the phone.

"Oh, hello Mr. Dun! Long time no see." She smiled as sweetly as an elder woman could, and shuffled through her papers.

"U-Um.. hi," He said trying to catch his breath, his mother finally rounding the corner and walking to his side. "W-Wheres Tyler?"

"I didn't even know they moved him, dear." She frowned a little and started shuffling through papers to find Tyler's file again, but that same doctor from the first night tapped Josh's shoulder.

"Excuse me, Mr. Dun?"

"Hm?" He turned around hopefully, trying to ignore the dull, sad look in his eyes.

"Could I speak to you privately for a moment?"

"O-of course." He followed him a small way down the hall and stopped in a rather empty area, bracing himself for the worst.

"So, I see you noticed we moved him."

Josh nodded.

"Well, Tyler.. he's in the ICU."

"Wait why??"

"His vitals dropped significantly this morning, and that's a really bad sign, I'm sorry to say. Especially for a patient who's been in a coma for thirty seven days. That brings me to my next point," He broke eye contact with Josh for a brief moment to look at the floor. It's always tough telling people these things.

"So, Tyler has passed the thirty day mark. As you already know, the longer they're under, the more likely they are to stay under until their vitals finally slow to a stop."

Josh just watched the doctor in horror, his heart beginning to race as he went on.

"Soon enough it will be sixty days, then ninety. And I'm so sorry I have to tell you this, because it's a lot of pressure." He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed softly. "You see how full the hospital is, correct?"

Josh forced a nod. He knows exactly where this was going.

"The hospital has a policy when we pass capacity, which we have. If a coma patient is under for more than ninety days, the chance that they will wake up drops below ten percent. Apparently, we have no room to sacrifice for such low numbers, because we have so many people on the waiting list. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that if Tyler doesn't wake up within fifty three days," He almost stuttered on his breath.

"We will have to pull the plug."


I'm so sorry I've been so absent. School and family has been my main focus for the past few weeks. I promise I'll try to update more, also sorry for tearing out your hearts so much haha

Short edit- I noticed a few comments on the Joker and Harley rings lately, I hope you guys know its because of the inseparable/affectionate parts of their relationship, how it's the most common relationship nonsense you see in hot topic and whatnot, and I DON'T actually condone domestic abuse/violence. I've witnessed it and it's not pretty. I'm a nice person I swear


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