🌼 eight

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A/n: warnings- attempted rape/ child molestation. It's saddening


"I'll text you before I go to bed, okay?" Tyler said contently when Josh set all of the bags on the porch. Tyler was still a little bummed they didn't go to Taco Bell after, but it was really late and he was getting sleepy. Maybe another time.

"Nothing would make me happier." He smiled. "Are you sure you can get these to your room all by yourself?"

"Yes, thank you."

"Alright, sweetheart."

"I'll see you tomorrow, Joshie."

"Goodnight, flower." He winked and headed back to his car.

He sat in the driver's seat with a huge smile on his face, staring at the ring on his finger as he replayed the kiss from earlier.

Tylers lips tasted like sweet strawberries and vanilla.

He was about to start his car when he heard yelling, coming from the house he just left.

He panicked, then felt rage burn in his stomach when his brain deciphered the voices.

An angry man.

And a sobbing boy.

He leapt out of his car and sprinted for the door, prepared to do anything necessary to protect his fragile little rose.


Tyler struggled, but he finally managed to get all of the bags into his bedroom at once with a huff. He set out everything he'd need for tomorrow, makeup and all, because he was definitely going to dress up for Josh.

Then out of nowhere, his adoptive dad drunkenly busted through the door. He's still not sure how this horrible man was able to adopt kids, he was just as unkind as his real father.

"Wherrre.. th-the fuck have you been?!" He screamed and stumbled towards Tyler, who coward away to the corner of the room.

"I-I was with a friend, sir." He spoke in a high pitched voice, only showing his fear more than his body language did.

"What? A-A boy huh?!" He grabbed Tyler by his hair and threw him against the bedframe, who let out a pained sob when it crushed his ribcage, a horrible stabbing sensation shooting through his abdomen.

No matter how hard he tried to lie, he just couldn't.

"Y-yes, sir." He sobbed and tried to get up, unable to stand straight without the pain getting excruciatingly worse. Then his dad gripped at his throat and squeezed, Tyler clawed at his hands and gasped for air, his face turning red and his eyes watering.

"What have I told you about boys!?" He screamed in Tyler's face, a familiar feeling tugging at his chest.


He tried to apologize. He tried to beg. He tried to promise to never do it again.

But he couldn't get enough air in to do so.

He sobbed breathlessly, his vision and hearing fogging, before he was released and he choked on a gasp.

He was spun around and bent over the bedframe, his hip bones making a crack noise when they were pushed roughly against the wood.

"Y-You wanwanna be a faggot!? I'll treat-treat you like one!!" He punched Tyler in the back of the head, making his entire head pulse and his senses mix and blur. Then he grabbed the back of Tylers neck, forcing his face down into the sheets.

Muffled sobs filled the room and Tyler fought and thrashed, but he was too small to make any helpful difference. Tyler couldn't breathe through the thick sheets, he was suffocating, but his dad's grip was too firm.

He gripped the sheets and clenched his eyes shut, waiting for it to be over as his dad ripped his skirt up and panties down, rutting against his bottom.

His lungs burned, his ears rang, and his vision faded, but he suddenly felt the painful pressure disappear. He heard a pained groan, profanity, and a thud, then someone helped him up with gentle and shaky hands. He pushed the figure away and sobbed harder, everything hurting and weak, but heard muffled words of reassurance. He couldn't focus on what was going on, he was dizzy and confused, but next thing he knew he saw a blur of sky blue kneeling down and helping cover his boy parts back up.

He realized who this was, and he looked around frightfully for the abusive man he had to call Dad, but he was laying on the floor with a bloody nose. Tyler panicked, everything becoming way too much, and he collapsed. He curled up in a ball on the floor and wished for death, crying out in pain and fear as his whole body shook with tremors.

But he felt someone gently pick him up bridal style, that same caring blur of sky blue, and he wrapped his arms around the back of the boys neck and held on as if his life depended on it.

Which in some terms, it kind of did.

His senses were slowly evening out- his head was still hurting though- and he came to realize he was sitting in a passenger seat in a familiar car with a blanket wrapped warmly around him.

He heard rustling in the trunk for a few moments, then a slam, and a few seconds after Josh opened the driver door and climbed in.

"You're coming home with me." He said angrily. Luckily Tyler realized Josh was mad at his father and not him, so he felt safe.


"You're staying with me until we can figure out this situation. What I saw in there was not okay at fuc... At freaking all. That man is a monster and he's never going to get ahold of you again. I grabbed all of the bags and makeup and stuff you had set out because I assumed that's what you use every day. My mom won't mind a guest." Josh said with pain in his chest as he started the car and headed back to his house.


A/n: sorry it's so short, it's more of a filler than a chapter.

I just got into my new school (first day was today and I hated it.) So updates might be slower than usual.


~Trash ❤

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