🌼 |-/ twenty one

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A/N: Taxi Cab came on the second I started writing. Bless.



Josh stood in his own awkward silence as the doctor skimmed the papers, the few seconds feeling like so much longer.

"So," The doctor began and cleared his throat, walking to Josh and handing the file over. Josh read through it confused as to what the graphs and big words meant, but he understood it within mere seconds.

He looked up at the doctor with wide eyes to be met with a wide smile, which was too contagious to not reflect.

No words had to be spoken to emphasize the happiness in the air in that moment, just the quickening excited breaths coming from Josh that he wasn't even aware of.

"But-but she looked so.."

"Gloomy? Emotionless? That's Shannon for you. She's always this way, don't let her negativity scare you." He laughed softly as if reciting this conversation for the millionth time, which Josh wasn't surprised if he was.

"Tyler's brain activity peaked so high I'm surprised his eyes didn't spring open that very second." He said cheerfully, even though they were both aware of the sad side of that sentence.

"When do you think he will open them??" He asked hopefully, but it sounded more desperate than anything. Understandably.

"I wish I had an answer for you, Josh." His smile faded a little and his doctor demeanor was put back on, "It could be any second now, but also remember, it could be never." Of course he was going to let Josh bask in the small glint of hope that has finally shown itself, but it was his job to make sure he wasn't giving false hope.

Josh took a sharp breath and swallowed the sudden lump in his throat before nodding shakily, an action in which he did not want to do, because he didn't want to understand. He couldn't.

"Let's just focus on keeping his brain active, okay?" He plastered that smile on again, lifting Josh's spirit only a little. But it was still there.

"How about for now you just you home and get some sleep?" He decided to finally suggest, and due to the good news he's been waiting for for over a month, he gladly did exactly that.


"Tag, you're it!" Tyler squealed and poked Josh's back unexpectedly, who turned away from the group of friends that he had been talking to about that night's game, in which they had won by eight points.

"Oh nuh uh you're not getting away that easy!" He seemed to forget the group as he turned and ran after the smaller boy, his experience in football and a sliver of baseball making it all too easy.

Tyler had only gotten a few yards away before he was already technically wheezing, instantly regretting having two very fluffy chocolate glazed doughnuts and hot cocoa (a meal Josh had said would give him a tummy ache if eaten that early, and he was indeed correct) for breakfast that morning.

He slowed his speed for just a few seconds to be able to catch his breath, but yelped when two muscular arms wrapped completely around his lower waist and lifted him high up into the air, spinning him in two or three full circles before softly setting him back down again.

He turned around to see a huge, genuinely happy smile showing beautiful white teeth, along with squinted kitten-like chocolate brown eyes that set forward on the adorable carved cheekbones of Josh's perfectly crafted face.

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