🌼 eleven

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A/n: Holy shoot frick frackin fruck balls I just realized how many reads this has ?¿!'+_!_';_+"(_($(?"!"!"+*(#$+*+$++$;"_;!$

Thank you guys so much for actually being interested in my work. This made my day


"Good morning, sweetheart." Tyler hummed quietly when he heard Josh's deep morning voice rumble in his chest, his heartbeat gently followed.

"Good morning, Joshie." He smiled and stayed in the position he was in. He hadn't remembered much after he came back inside, only because of what that boy was yelling from across the street, he recognized his voice and it made him feel icky. He went inside before the boy was able to get to him. He doesn't remember much other than changing and laying down. He didn't remember Josh coming in, or snuggling up to him,

But he really didn't mind it.


"Yeah baby?"

"We have to get my mom out of there."

"What do you mean, Ty? I thought your adoptive parents were mean to you?"

"No, just-just my dad. My mom is really nice, she loves my skirts, she's the one who taught me how to not poke myself in the eye with a mascara brush. My dad's mostly upset I didn't become the popular player he wanted me to be."

"Well, he's missing out. You're perfect just the way you are."

"Thank you." He giggled. "But he's mean. So I'm afraid for my mom."

"Okay, Ty. I understand. We'll help your mom get out of there as soon as we can."

"Thanks, Joshie." He smiled contently. Josh only hummed in response, then soon enough, his breathing slowed as he fell back asleep.


Josh woke up alone and he panicked for a second, hoping that it all wasn't a dream.

His worries were short-lived when he heard cluttering downstairs, which couldn't be his mom, because she was always goes to work early in the morning. He giggled when he heard Tyler humming beautifully along with a silent song.

He walked downstairs, fixing his shirt and hair, and entered the kitchen. He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe, watching Tyler's hips sway along with the beat in his head.

"Something smells good. And for once, it's not your perfume." He chuckled, taking in the sight before him. Tyler was wearing Josh's large T shirt, which was crooked and wrinkled. It was adorable on him, of course, and barely covering his tan legs and blue panties. Josh just observed every inch, not in a dirty way, in an adoring way.

Tyler's cute pudgy thighs were half covered by white thigh high socks, his tiny feet on their tippy toes as he danced around the oven. Josh couldn't help but stare at Tyler's curvy hips, his butt was round and plump, absolutely gorgeous just like the rest of him.

"Hungry?" Tyler turned and jutted his hip out, holding the spatula to the side in a sassy manner.

"Yes, please." Josh rubbed his hands together and licked his lips, which made Tyler giggle and turn back to the pan. Josh walked up behind Tyler and hesitantly snaked his arms around his waist, then rested his chin on Tyler's shoulder. Tyler just smiled shyly and tilted his head to the side, loving the feeling of Josh's skin against his.

"Whatcha making?" He hummed.

"Bacon, eggs, and pancakes." Tyler chirped and stirred the eggs, the bacon already cooked and seasoned to perfection.

He flipped the pancakes and swayed with Josh, his eyes closing as he felt the warm feeling in his tummy again.

He slowly turned around and wrapped his arms gently around Josh's neck, expecting a hug, but Josh pulled him in and started swaying again.

"Joshie," Tyler giggled and smiled. "There's no music."

"Let's make music." He spoke quietly and swayed slower, humming the song Tyler was humming earlier from memory. Josh could definitely get used to this.

Tyler giggled when he recognized it, a silly little tune he had made up on the spot and Josh had already memorized it. He buried his face in Josh's neck with a struggle, since he was so short, and savoured the smell of Josh.

His skin, his scent, his heartbeat,

It all made Tyler feel warm.

"You're perfect." Josh muttered into Tylers shoulder, wanting to cry because he knew he'd have to let go some time.

"I-I love you." Tyler said quietly, unable to control the honest words his mouth forced him to form. This scared him. A lot.

"I love you too, flower." Josh happily replied, finally able to say what he's wanted to say for so long.

"Please remember Tyler, I love you. Not just your makeup, your skirts, or your perfection, you."

"Why do you love me, Josh? Out of all of the nice pretty people at school, why me?"

"Because you're my one and only pure white rose, baby."


After nearly burning the eggs and admitting their feelings, they sat at the table and happily ate.

"Jeez Tyler, who knew you were such a chef!" Josh said after the first bite, his mouth exploding with flavor. Usually he was the chef, usually he made impressive and irresistible dishes for guests, but right now he definitely had to make an acception.

Tyler's skills are unbelievable.

"Thank you, Joshie." He blushed and continued to eat.


Later that day, they of course got hungry again.

"I'm heading to Taco Bell, Ty. You want anything?"

"Just a taco. Thank you." Tyler smiled and plopped down on Josh's bed.

"Alright baby. I'll be back very soon." He smiled and walked out the front door.

It was barely two minutes before he heard a soft knock. Tyler skipped to the living room, excited for some of his favorite food, but too short to look out the peep hole. So he shrugged and unlocked the door, swinging it open.

"That was a lot sooner than I-"

"Well well. Hello, slut." He heard a familiar chuckle, then saw a familiar jersey.

Number sixteen.

Tyler froze.

sweet as a flower. (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now