🌼 twenty eight

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"You ready?"

Tyler nodded nervously as he stared out the automatic double doors of the hospital, everything behind them for some reason feeling completely foreign. Of course, he doesn't remember much about what it's like out there, but in reality he hasn't stepped foot outside in three months anyway.

Physical therapy has worked magic for him, he can finally walk correctly and function his limbs the way he should. Josh held his hands out and the nurse standing behind Tyler smiled, holding the wheelchair steady as Tyler gently reached his small hands out and grabbed Josh's.

With a reassuring smile of his own, Josh looked down upon the smaller boy, who took a deep breath and began to pull himself up from the warmth of the chair. He steadied himself on his slightly pudgy legs, both of his feet turned inward just a tad. He swayed a little, but soon was able to look back up at Josh and return the smile.

He took a step forward, and then another, before slipping his hands from Josh's grip at the discovery that he could walk by himself. He let out a gentle laugh in relief, turning and waving at the nice nurse before he slowly exited the building. He had to squint his eyes at the brightness of the sun, even though it was rather dim out today. Though it was slightly chilly, Tyler was warm regardless because he was brought some jeans and a large T shirt before his departure, which he automatically assumed belonged to the boy with the funny colored hair. Josh took Tyler's bag from the nurse with a mumble of gratitude, and he followed Tyler out to the taxi waiting at the curb.

They climbed into the back of the warm car and Josh spoke his address, Tyler being too busy looking at the golden morning sky from the foggy window in awe to even really pay attention to what was happening around him. Josh just watched his actions with a smile of serenity, the innocence from the very first time he met this boy after the football game seemed to gleam in his wide dark eyes. They were filled with a child like wonder. Tyler seemed so different in that hospital room, he seemed so hateful towards his own prior beliefs, but no matter how much his brain altered in his slumber he will always be this small and beautifully innocent boy deep down. Especially to the tired, scarred-handed football player sitting in the seat beside him.

The car ride was peaceful, the driver didn't work too hard at making unnecessary small talk, and the traffic was pretty clear at most of the stop lights. As soon as they arrived at Josh's house Tyler was curiously opening up the door and climbing out, the greenish haired boy quickly paying the driver so he could catch up. He thanked the kind man and shut his door, turning around to see Tyler giddily running up to the front door to see what was waiting in this strange home.

He couldn't help but grin widely at this purity he's been waiting to see for weeks and weeks now. He started up the damp grass to follow the boy inside, who kicked off his black vans by the front door and looked all around the large living room. There were strangely no pictures on the wall, but there was an obviously cheap store bought painting of an orchid hung above the fireplace. The couches looked squishy and welcoming, but he was too antsy to lay down right now, there were too many new things to explore. He walked into the kitchen and looked through each cabinet, frowning in disappointment when he saw no trace of pudding, but the smile returning again when he saw boxed premade cookies just waiting to be baked.

Just as Josh entered the kitchen from the living room, he noticed someone else standing frozen in the doorway leading to the dining room. Tyler noticed her, too, and the smile that faltered on his face contorted into disbelief, into shock.

"M.. Momma?" He spoke in a quivering voice that heightened several octaves as he spoke, tears beginning to pool into his eyes. He took a step forward as his posture seemed to hunch.

"A-are you my momma?"

Josh made eye contact with her, and he wasn't even sure what to say. She stared at Tyler with a broken gaze, her tired looking eyes also glazing over when she heard him speak.

"Ty.." She managed to choke out past her restricted throat, pushing her tears back as she saw her oblivious son breaking down before her.

He advanced towards her and pulled her into a tight hug, a small sob erupting from his chest as tears soaked her blouses shoulder.

"M-momma I'm so sorry," He wailed, the devastation of this scene making it hard for Josh himself to remain held together. Tyler's entire body shook every time he let out a cry, almost as if some unkempt emotion was coursing through him and trying to convulse itself out.

Josh nor Laura had the heart to speak against him, how this wasn't his biological or legally adoptive mother -- they both remained quiet. She let him cry it out into her shoulder until he pulled back with swollen red eyes, sniffling and wiping them dry.

"I'm s-sorry Momma."

"Darling.. you have nothing to apologise for." Though there were fresh tears soaking her lower lash line, she still gave him a reassuring smile and kissed his forehead. This seemed to help him tremendously.

When the sobs died down and they were able to breathe again, Laura spoke up to break the tense silence.

"J-Josh, how about you show him to your room, yeah? Let him get settled before dinner tonight."

He only nodded, and Tyler started for the stairs before he could even though he had no clue where he was going.

"Honey, I also have to talk to you about school."

"Mom, please not now."

"You need to understand," she stopped him, "The authorities don't care about personal issues. You're going to lose your place on the team, you're going to fail this semester, hell, you might even get put in juvy for truancy if you don't go back. I know it's not fair but it's the law."

He stared at her with a look of hatred for a moment, but she knew it was only displaced anger. "What about Tyler?"

"He needs to go back, too."

"How the fuck is he-"


He rolled his eyes, letting out an irritated sigh.

"Fine, sorry. How is he supposed to finish this year if he's lost most of his memory?"

"Tutors, extra classes, I don't know. I just don't want either of you to be put in jail."

"Tyler was in a coma for almost three months, mother."

"I know, Josh." She sighed, exhaustion pulling at her chest and stress seeming to give her severe heartburn.

"I know."

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