🌼 seven

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Do not comment negative on the joker and Harley Quinn thing later in the chapter. I might delete your comment and maybe even block you. Depends on my mood. I'm tired of hearing about it after two or more years dude I g e t  i t you're offended or whatever but I don't want to hear about it anymore man seriously


"You ready, sweetheart?" Josh smiled over at Tyler as they pulled into the mall parking lot.

"I-I don't know. Usually the girls or my mom go out and get me clothes.. they send me pictures so I can choose between them."


"Last time I went shopping myself.. um.." He looked at Josh with the eyes that he understood.

"Oh. Well, I'm here today to keep any of those things from happening, baby." He smiled, earning a giggle and nod from Tyler.


"Ty! Wait up!" Josh giggled and lurched forward when Tyler started skipping excitedly to the front doors, forgetting that their fingers were still intertwined.

"Oh sorry Joshie, I'm just so excited!" He held Josh's hand with both of his and pulled him towards the entrance. "C'mon!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming." He chuckled and opened the doors, letting Tyler in first.

"Oooo it's so shiny in here! Preeeety.." Tyler's eyes sparkled when they entered, taken aback by the bright lights and shiny displays.

It's been so long since he's been here, he almost forgot how pretty it is.

"Not as pretty as you, I have to admit." Josh giggled and made sure to keep Tyler close.

"Forever 21!" He gasped and pointed at the sight, his eyes lighting up even more.

"Is that your favorite store?" Josh giggled, earning a quick nod from Tyler.

"Let's go see what we can find."

"Hi there! Is there anything I can help you with?" The young lady at the entrance asked with a smile.

"Um, I don't think so. Is there a certain place where we could find things like this?" Josh motioned to Tyler's outfit, who tensed up when her eyes scanned his body.

His distrust in every human he saw made Josh feel sick to his stomach.

Instead of judgement, she smiled again and pointed to the back.

"That section over there has plenty of what you're looking for, I'm sure of it."

"Thank you." Josh smiled and started towards the back with Tyler.

"You're very welcome. I love your skirt by the way!" She smiled sweetly at Tyler, who somewhat smiled back.

"Thank you, ma'am."

They searched through each and every shelf and rack, finding an unbelievable amount of skirts and crop tops Tyler absolutely loved. Josh tried to keep the skirts at least mid thigh and the crop tops long sleeve, but he made an acception for a few less modest outfits that Tyler promised to wear mostly away from school and the boys who mistreat him. He was hoping that meant dates and at home, but he wasn't completely sure.

sweet as a flower. (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now