🌼 two

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"Who... Who is that?" Josh asked Brendon and Ryan quietly as two people, one of them looking a bit sad, passed him in the hall.

"That's Jenna black. Pretty hot, aye?" Ryan nudged him and chuckled.

"Well, I guess.. But I meant.. the other one." He almost whispered.

"Um.. Tyler?" Brendon raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah." Josh smiled. "Tyler."

"No one knows if he's gay, or if he's trans. No one knows where he came from. He's weird."

"Who's weird?" Pete came out of no where.

"Um" Josh looked away and started gulping down his water in embarrassment.


"Oh, yeah. He's pretty weird." He laughed obviously.

Brendon leaned close to Josh and whispered. "I hear he wears lacy panties."

Josh choked on his drink and turned bright red, brighter than one of the Way brothers hair. Gerard, isn't it?

"Oh, does Josh have a cruuuuush?" Pete poked his chest and laughed.


"Oh come on guys, lay off of him. Getting on his dick is Tyler's job." He winked and nudged Josh, who punched his arm and groaned.


"Oh come on, Ty. Don't let them get to you like this!" Ashley groaned when Tyler came out of his room with sweatpants, a sweatshirt, no makeup, and slippers.

This definitely wasn't him.

"It's okay. I'm just.. I don't know." He shrugged.

"Tyler." She got up from his bed and took his hands, looking him directly in the eyes. "You're so beautiful. You pull these things off better than any girl at that school. I'll be with you all night. I won't let anyone hurt you."

Tyler couldn't help but smile, then nod.



"You look beautiful." Jenna smiled as they got into her car.

"Thank you." Tyler blushed and looked down at his hands. He was happily wearing his normal amount of makeup now, his eyelashes were so long and voluminous he barely needed mascara. He added a dash of glitter this time, Ashley said it made his eyes sparkle.

"You're welcome."

They soon arrived at the football field. They paid for their entry, Jenna got a bag of popcorn, Tyler got a cherry and a strawberry lollipop, and Ashley got a bottle of water. They sat near the center, the two girls on either side of Tyler.

"Remember Ty, point out the guy who did this to you." She motioned towards the fading bruise on his neck from a few days before.

"Ok." He looked down at his lap.


"Dude!" Brendon shook Josh's arm, spilling the water he was holding everywhere in the process.

"The fuck man?" Josh laughed and splashed the remaining water in his face.

"Look! It's your boooy toooy!" He wiggled his eyebrows.

sweet as a flower. (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now