🌼 five

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A/N: warning- mentions of child abuse.


"Thank you for the ride, Joshie." It felt like a thousand burning hot knives stabbing Josh's hand when Tyler let go to open the door.

Tyler hopped out and was about to shut the door when Josh held his hand out and stopped it.

"Tyler wait," Tyler questioningly opened it again and peaked in.


"Um.. c-could I maybe get your uh, your number?"

Tyler smiled and giggled at Josh's flushed face.

"Of course." Josh handed him his phone, Tyler typed on it before handing it back.

"Text me whenever you want to. I'll be waiting." Tyler winked and shut the door.

Josh let out his breath that he didn't even know he was holding. He smiled and looked down at his phone and his eyes widened.

'new contact added: My Flower 🌹❤'

"Is there any way that boy could get any cuter?" He chuckled to himself. He thought for a moment, contemplating, before he sent a message.

Not because he missed Tyler already, definietly not, but because he.. Tyler would need his number too?

Unknown number: Hey flower. Here's my number in case u need it :)

He almost instantly got a reply.

My flower 🌹❤: miss me already?

He could almost hear the sarcasm. Oh, Tyler.

My gardener 🏈❤: of course I do haha xD

My flower 🌹❤: what I this, MySpace days?

Damn. Tyler's a sassy pants, isn't he?

My gardener 🏈❤: woah watch the sass before I come in there

My flower 🌹❤: awee then u could meet my mom!

My gardener 🏈❤: oh snap nvm

Josh quickly started the car and drove home.

His eyes didn't leave the phone from his front door all the way to his bedroom. He bumped into a few walls and stubbed his toe on a chair, but it was worth it.

My flower 🌹❤: I'm sleepy.

My gardener 🏈❤: aww I'll let u go to sleep if u show me ur sleepy face ;)

My flower 🌹❤: but.. I took my makeup off :(

Josh frowned as he jumped onto his bed in only boxers, pulling the covers to his chin.

My gardener 🏈❤: baby, you're beautiful either way, I guarantee it. You're my flower, remember?

My flower 🌹❤: *image attached*

Tyler is literally the most adorable human Josh has ever seen in his entire life.

My gardener 🏈❤: You're so much more beautiful than I imagined ❤ And ur blushing awww!

My flower 🌹❤: duhhh u called me baby!

He did? He didn't even think about it.. it just kinda.. came out.

sweet as a flower. (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now