🌼 three

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"Hey Joshua." A girl came up behind him, putting her hand on the small of his back. An uncomfortable vibe immediately flowed through the group, especially Josh.

"You played a great game today." She giggled and twirled her hair.

"Um, thank you." He looked down.

Tyler looked very uneasy, he thought Josh was going to ditch because this girl was obviously so much prettier than him. He looked hurt, his worried eyes on Josh.

"How about we go somewhere? Hm? Celebrate your victory?" She put her other hand on his chest, which Josh gently pushed away.

"I was actually going to taco bell right now." He smiled and looked up at Tyler with bright eyes.

"With Tyler."

Tyler smiled gently, a noticable perk in his mood.

"Oh come on, Josh. I'll let you do anything you waaant." She whispered in his ear. He slipped away from her grip, going to stand by Tyler. Tyler turned red, more so than before, his knees wobbly and that warm, tingly feeling hitting him like a freight train.

"Like.. with with? Are you like.. together?"

"Well, no not yet."

Yet?? Tylers heart started racing and his hands were shaking nervously.

"O-oh.. you're gay?"

"Does that matter?"

She scoffed.

"Whatever." And left.

"That was sweet of you, Josh." Ashley smiled.

He smiled and nodded.

"Shall we?" Jenna motioned to the doors.

As they made their way to their cars, Tyler stopped.

"Can I ride with Josh?"

"Are you sure?" Jenna asked concerned. He knew what she meant, and he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Yeah. I trust him." He smiled innocently.

"Tyler, you just met him."

"He said I'm pretty.."

"So have some of the other boys who hurt you."

"Please." He pouted.

She sighed and looked at Ashley, who nodded. Josh just stood awkwardly beside Tyler.

"Okay, Tyler. You know to call me if he tries anything." She shot him a warning look. "It's only a fifteen minute ride anyway."

"Yay!" He clapped and kicked a foot back.

"You're lucky you're adorable and I can't say no to you." She laughed and they all separated into the two cars.


"What did she mean by that? The other boys who.. hurt you?" Josh said quietly looking straight ahead at the road.

sweet as a flower. (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now