Chapter Eight - Breaking Rules.

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Chapter Eight


Breaking Rules.


Although it was only a dream, and it would never really happen. Something would come along to ruin this all, this something.

Wasn't a something, it was someone.


Although he was my step-father and I didn't do what he said, he was like a magnet.

I being the other side that joined, no matter what he said. I couldn't tell myself it wasn't true.

As I softly released Felix's hug, he looked somewhat upset. Why, I wouldn't ask.

Probably just Marzia on his mind, on the other hand, the sun was no where near rising.

I got up and peered out the curtains looking into the backyard that was almost like a nursery, tall trees, beautiful garden beds.

Mum and I had taken so much time into that nursery, growing each and every tree.

There was a small little gazebo that had a path from the back door to lead to it, it was probably right in the middle of the whole forest-like yard.

At night it was at it's best, there were little solar lamps that lit up the path leading to the gazebo. At the gazebo were two tiki torches, perfect for dark nights, exactly like this.

Felix peered behind my shoulder smiling at the sight.

"That's beautiful," he whispered, "been out there much?" he asked, looking at me from the side.

I shake my head, I was never allowed to go out there anymore.

"D-ave never let's us go outside. He's scared we'll run away." I say, my voice shaken at the memories of the wretched man.

Felix placed an arm around my back and dropped his hand on my other shoulder.

"You know what?" he said, needing no answer, "we're gonna get out there." he said with pride, I look at him curiously.

"And how do you suppose we'll get out there?" I say, knowing Dave was home because of the noise of the television downstairs. He was literally deaf.

Felix only smirks, unlocking the latch on the window and pushing them open like doors. "you can't be serious Felix." I say taken back by his decision.

He turns as he hears Edgar move.

"Edgar. Nej.." he says a couple of more things in Swedish and the black pug turns and jumps back onto the bed.

The swede cautiously clambers out the window and carefully slides down the outside wall, still holding onto the ledge.

Soon his hands disappear and I frantically look over the edge to see him smiling up at me, he was standing on a tree branch under my window.

I sigh a relief, "come on down, I'll help you." he says softly, I had to trust him.

I blink a couple of times turning from the window and quickly put shorts on. As I put one leg over the ledge, the night winds immediately hit me. It wasn't like a warm wind, more a cold beach one.

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