Chapter Twenty-Six - Shine of Hope.

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Chapter Twenty-Six
Shine of Hope.

Leaving the apartment complex was a huge risk, being alone wasn't something that was going to help me in anyway. Until I got to the warehouse, I would use stealth and patience. I wouldn't give myself up, that would only cause more trouble that we didn't need. I needed to think smart about this, not make stupid mistakes I would of in the past.

For what felt like hours was only really minutes, I was about a block or two away from the complex and definitely no where near the warehouse where Felix was kept. Thinking about this again, I really should of thought this over. It's going to take me hours to actually get there, who knows what could happen in that time.

The moon was shining brighter in the sky than any other night I remember, it must be a sign. A shine of hope, for anything. I'd spin around every now and then, just to see if anyone was following me. Luckily, each time nobody was. My senses felt as if they were finer, way better than before. The product of fear and determination reacting together.

On the longest hike to the warehouse, Felix was of cause not the only one on my mind. I couldn't help but think of Alfie, Zoe and Joe. How I left them in such short time, I promised them. Promised them we would do this together, and I left them. They're probably worrying their asses off looking for me, especially Zoe.

She was always a worrier, thinking of conclusions before she found the solution. I'm grateful that she worries, but I never want to be a bother. This was a risk I was willing to take. They would soon find me after I'd done everything. After I've put myself in danger for about the millionth time. And after I saved Felix.

Why did it have to be so confusing at times? Whether I wanted to go or not that is. I wanted to save Felix and get out of there as fast as I could. But a part of me doubted that I would even be able to walk into the warehouse. All this doubt and hope barreled into one big mess, no one would of known what to believe.

I just had to get over whatever was going on inside my mind and get focused on what was at hand. I counted them on my fingers as I walked.

"One: I have to get to the hideout. Two: Make sure I get in without being spotted. Three: Find Felix and find a way to get to him. Four: Get Felix and get the hell out." I nod slightly walking quicker on the footpath. I probably looked like some sort of idiot counting and speaking to myself if people were around. But thank god it was the beginning of the morning and still dark.

I had four steps that I would keep and most definitely obey. I would carry them out appropriately and as quickly as I could. Just to get the hell out of their safely. Of cause with Felix, I wouldn't forget him in centuries. Never in my life. Never.


It had at least been an hour or two by the time I reached the warehouse I had set for an objective days ago. It's dark, tall figure surrounded by the darkness of the night. Looking around from the brick fence I hid behind, I couldn't see anyone. Not even the two dogs that had been held on leashes when we found Alfie.

I was quite confused to be honest, you think that they would at least have someone, something or some being on guard. Especially if you were Dave. He seems to be always one step ahead of most people, always on guard and always on your heels. This time it felt like I was the one that was one step ahead, maybe even more.

He wouldn't expect me to come alone would he? He's too confident for that, he thinks he can beat everyone. Beat anyone and everything that came before him. He could be wrong for once, maybe I could be the one that was right for once. It would really be great to do that, put him on the victim side. See how he truly liked it.

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