Chapter Twenty-Five - First Things First.

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Chapter Twenty-Five


First Things First.


Alfie, Zoe and Joe look at me with eyes that remarked attention. My mother always use to say to me, 'When a someone is mad, they end up hurting others or hurting themselves.' I always use to come back with words I had never forgotten, 'I'll never hurt anyone around me momma.' Yes at that point of time I was around the younger ages, yet I still hadn't forgotten the promise I made.

I stood by it, and in which I have actually used it and fufilled my promise. I avoided harming Zoe and instead harmed myself. You did the right thing Scarlett.

"I'm-" Joe yawned between words, "off to bed." he said as he turned and headed out the door. Alfie helped Zoe up and they both smiled at me, almost simultainiously.

"Me too." I say, catching the contagious yawn from Joesph which then diverted to Zoe then Alfie. Room of yawns we were. I stood up slowly and embraced the similar bear hug Felix gave me from Alfie and Zoe at once.

"Goodnight Scarlett." Zoe smiled warmly, I reply with a small 'night.' which directed to both of them once they had closed to door behind them and out of the room I occupied. Once the footsteps were barely audiable, I streached my arms and flopped back onto the bed.

I scrambled underneath the covers and hoped for more days to come that were hopeful and full of happiness. Staring out the window into the black abyss of the night sky, my eyes slowly fluttered shut, even though sleep was the last thing on my mind.


Birds from the outside world sung loudly into the morning, groaning I attempt to ignore the ominous feeling that sheltered itself in the bottom of my stomach. My first thought was getting up, and being ready for another mind shocking day in Brighton.

Today would hopefully be the day we found Felix, we would all arrive at Dave's shitty old warehouse, tell him to grow some and give us Felix. If that didn't work, which it probably wouldn't, we'd have to take him by force, or, in my own thoughts, by trade.

When I exited my temporary room, there was no sign of anyone. Everything was so quiet and still, it felt like the entire world had just stopped and I was left in a never-ending limbo. I was brought out of my daze when the door to the apartment opened, followed by the hinges creaking were the voices of Joe and Alfie.

"...can't believe.. oh hey Scarlett!" Joe smiled, stopping mid sentence to process my presence. He gave me a quick single wave of him hand and looked back to Alfie who walked with him to the kitchen.

"Uhh, hi," I mumble as they walk, everyone had changed since last night. Was it anything I did or what I said? It must of, they must be scared of me. I wouldn't blame them, I'm scared of me too. What I've been wondering since I woke and rose from the bed, was where Zoe was. No one was in the rooms and it seemed to be only myself and the boys.

I was scared to ask at first, but I felt more scared about where she would be. Why I'm interested, I really don't know. I sat down on the bar chairs that sat at the end of the bench. I put one hand under my chin and then look up at the two putting things away, "where's Zoe?" I ask, however I had to wait a while to actually get an answer.

"Out at a friend's. It's just us today." Alfie said with a mono-toned voice. I nod politely as the two go back to their rambling on different subjects. The apartment was pretty dull from all excitement or emotion to be in fact. I sigh and look out one of the windows from my seated position.

This place wasn't as far from Felix's as I thought, it looks to be only a block or two away. That would be easy to run, not to hard to walk either. I slowly creep of the stool and head towards the door, it was slightly left open. Good, not too much noise either.

I look back for a split moment to see the two still doing what they were before. Not very observant ay'? I take a moment to remember the place before entering the hallway. Pulling the door to what it was before, I head towards where the exit signs directed. I stop dead in my tracks, what if Zoe comes up the elevator? I turn and head to the fire exit, opening it quickly and running through.

"Okay Scarlett. You're halfway there. You can do this!" I motivate, rushing down the stairs I nearly trip over seventeen times. Because I'm just that clumsy, I did trip twice. Not to mention how unfit I am, but I am. I brush myself off and look at the level sign. 'Ground.' Finally!

I push open the door and I'm greeted with faces of many and the loud noise of fifty million conversations at once. I scan the room and see Zoe at the back, god damnit! I hurry towards the main entrance and watch the people scatter as I barge through them all, "sorry! Sorry, excuse me!" I mutter as I push past them all.

I finally reach the door and shove myself through, running around the corner. What if she saw you? You weren't exactly the best secret agent in there! I keep running, believing that she did see me and I was running for my life, in which I was. Zoe would kill me if she saw me running again. She knew everything was hard, yet I had to stay with her. She said she would help.

Yet here I was, running away. Again. Was I afraid? No, I just wanted to do what was right, and sometimes doing what is right is actually wrong. Which makes no sense to me at all, therefore I was going to do something right and get Felix back. Trading myself wouldn't make anything better, then I would have Felix, Zoe, Joe and Alfie all out risking their lives to help me.

If I couldn't trade or just naturally get Felix back with us. I'd needed to do something even worse than 'trading' and 'pleading', I needed to do the stupidest thing you would when you're up against armed men. Steal. I would steal Felix back.


OMG, What is this? Is this an update? Holy ducks, this is an update! Haha, sorry for taking so long guys. At least this is getting somewhere ay'? So it's September, I've nearly been on Wattpad for a year now! Jeez. On the 29th it will be official! And Healing Felix will be a year old in November somewhere! Gosh, all these milestones!

Anyways, what did you guys think? Any ideas for the next chapter? Cause you know I'm lazy and I can't think of my own! I'll sign off now since I have nothing more to say.

In the words of BajanCanadian, if you guys enjoyed be sure to smack that vote button with ya foreheads! And comment, follow... All that jazz. I'll see you guys in the next chapter of whatever I update!

Take care,


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