Chapter Thirteen - Call Me Crazy.

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Chapter Thirteen
Call Me Crazy.

The hit on the head hurt like hell, not only did it hurt my head, it made me think.

Who the hell did it?

Throughout my dream I replayed the whole scene, that felt so much as reality once again.


I pushed Dave up against the wall, making a loud thud.

"This is a your fault! You're fucking fault! You're such a fucking douche who only cares about himself and putting down other people!" I snarl, hitting him in the stomach,

"you have no respect, no consideration, and what does this bring it to?"

I growl, every pause I would shove him against the wall again. Soon he was almost limp in my hands, "fucking death!" I scream at my mightiest, pushing him one last time.

I gripped his neck around my hand, I fit just around it. I held him up staring into his brown eyes with my angered blue orbs, he was starting to lose his breath.

Every time he tried to breathe my grip tightened, which just made his situation even worse.

He clawed at my knuckles, his bitten fingernails attempting to pull my hand away.

I wouldn't let go however, I was really determined to kill this guy. He wanted to bring Scarlett down.

Down to her worst.

And that. Was obviously not, okay with me. I promised her, I promised I would protect her. And if it means this,

than so be it.

My madness overpowered me, made me almost a killing machine, wanting to kill the only target I had ever been assigned to.

However, my madness wouldn't be stopped by just anyone, her voice louder than my mind's.

"FELIX!" Her voice screams wildly, yet scared and worried.

Why was she telling me to stop? I thought she wanted him dead.

Maybe though, just maybe, she wasn't scared of what was happening.

She wasn't scared of Dave and his unpleasant doings.

The way he made her do things, do things she never though of doing ever before.

Maybe, just maybe.

I was the one scaring her.

I knew Scarlett had never seen me so furious,
so mad,
so angered,
so bad tempered over one guy in the past couple of days.

Call me crazy, but I'm the one scaring Scarlett.


I woke up, my eyes slowly flickering open. The first figure I saw was Scarlett hugging my body, I smile softly.

She still thinks I'm out, is that a good thing?

She speaks ever so softly in her perfect voice I have always loved.

"You're the special person I wanted to spend my life with, but.. this cannot happen anymore. Not while Dave's here,"

I heard her slight cries that made me sadden my mood, she did love me, "I-I love you." She whispers, I smile and look at her as she pulls away.

"And your my special person, you always have been," I say softly, remembering the time she was thinking of.

She smiles back at me softly, wiping her tears with her palms. She looked at me with sadness in her eyes, she knew the thought of 'us' couldn't happen whilst Dave was around.

We sat in silence, the motionless noise taking up the room, however the slight groans of Dave in the hallway snapped me back from my thinking.

Scarlett looked at me as Edgar snorted and jumped up to the top of the bed, soon curling up beside me, "Scarlett, I have an idea." I smile, hoping she would go with it.

She looked at me with a slight curious face.

"What is it?" She says with a sympathetic smile, I only smile back.

"Call me crazy, but... why don't we runaway?"


Hello Wonders,

You're probably thinking, oh my god, Cookiez updated two chapters in one night. Well, I almost did. It is about 1am here in Australia, and I kinda posted the last chapter: Twelve Flashbacks, last night. Hehe, close enough.

I was bored and couldn't sleep so why not update my story! I hope you guys are enjoying, and please leave comments, votes, ideas down below!

As always, in the somewhat words of BajanCanadian:

Be sure to slap that vote button with ya forehead, I'll see you Wonders later.

Take Care.


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