Chapter Nineteen - Conflict.

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Chapter Nineteen




Marzia and I started bickering about pretty much anything we could whilst Scarlett and Reece talked about their past. I really didn't like Scarlett in there with him, I didn't like the look of him, I didn't like the way he acted. Frankly I didn't like Reece in general.

Marzia and I had just about finished with our two sided argument when we both snapped our heads towards the kitchen when Scarlett screamed out.

"WHAT!?" She yelled, Marzia and I both race into the kitchen. Pushing each other softly to get past the small archway, however, Marzia got in first due to her smaller, skinnier body. I was forced to stand in the archway looking onto the scene.

"You told her didn't you?" Marzia's gentle voice rose upon the silence, although Scarlett's anger looked as if it could be as loud as a crashing building. She looked at me with desperate eyes, but I could see the flaming anger dancing in her eyes.

"I uh, did." Reece says, his whimper echoing slightly. Scarlett looked at me with a confused face, searching for any thought on my own. I watch as Reece cautiously rakes his fingers through his hair, looking nervously at Marzia.

"Good, we need it. You need it." She said with a calm voice. She turned, looked up at me and shoved her way through to the lounge.

I look back at Marzia who comfortably say back into the sofa, she made herself way to 'at home' here. She didn't live here anymore, I wouldn't allow it.

I follow her out and stand in front of the sofa, I could feel the conflict in the air. Circling around us all.

"Get off." I say abruptly as Reece and Scarlett make their way back out.

"What?" Marzia said as if she didn't hear me, but I knew she defiantly did. I cross my arms and look down at her sternly, whilst gaining an angered look from Reece.

"I said," I say slowly, "get. Off," She looks up at me and blinks. I raise my voice, louder than before, "Marzia! Get off the sofa!"

Reece grumbles words to himself as he walks to me and turns me around by my shoulder, grabbing my collar and looking at me eye to eye.

"Seriously, lay off Kjellberg." he growls, I shove him back from his grasp. He tumbles back into one of the many side tables, sending a lamp crashing to the ground. Thankfully, it wasn't on. I scowl at Reece who narrows his eyes and scrambles up.

"Don't. Ever do that. Again Holmes." I snarl, Scarlett looks at me with pleading eyes however I ignored her and Marzia's constant begging to Reece.

Now we're down to last name basis, did we really have to stoop so low.

No matter what they did they knew that themselves alone couldn't stop both of us, for we had already begun our war way before. Reece clenched his fists and headed for me, eyes intended on taking me down.

I watch his every move, however I had kept my eyes off the girls. As Reece went in for the swing I was about to block, Scarlett had jumped in front receiving a hard blow to her face.

She dropped to the ground in an instant, Reece stood with his fist in his hand, eyes wide and breath shaken. Marzia came to his side and looked at him right in the eyes. She tried to get his attention.

"Reece! Reece, wh-wh.." She was unable to gain his attention also her words, she looked down to see Scarlett's body lying in the middle of us all. I dropped down onto my knees, lifting her head up into my hands.

"Scar? Scarlett please?" I beg, her stomach slowly moved up and then back down. She was still breathing, but it was shallow. My eyes raged with anger, I stood and stared at Reece with wild eyes, "y-you did this!" I growled. Just before I went to tackle Reece to the ground, Scarlett's voice lightly erupted from her body.

"Felix please," She shallowly begs as she sits up and blinks a couple of times, holding the side of her head, "don't cause conflict." Of cause, I obey. She's the last person I want mad at me, especially in a situation like the one we all have now.

I stare down Reece, ignoring every voice in my head telling me to kill him. I wouldn't, but he's defiantly on his first warning. And for guys like him, I only got one. Scarlett softly shakes her head to bring herself back to reality.

Reece begins talking, running a hand through his hair, changing the subject immediately.

"Look, all I want is acceptance on this mission Fe..."

"You want my fucking acceptance on this, I don't even know what it is!" I snap back, I feel a hand on my shoulder, Scarlett had stood. She stood by my side, looking up at me.

"Felix, this mission, all I have to do is deliver something to some guy. It's okay, I'll be fine." She says her voice soft and careful. I-I'm not letting her do this, no.

"I-I can't let you do this, what i-if something goes wrong?" I say, worry clearly in my eyes as I look down at Scarlett, totally ignoring Marzia and Reece who were now behind me.

"Felix, I promise nothing will go wrong, I'll.." She gently places her hand on my cheek, I take it off and hold it in my hands.

"Nothing will go wrong. Because I'll be there with you." I say sincerely, Reece's eyes widened as he shook his head peering around my back and looking at me with disbelief.

"Th-that can't happen Fe.."

"It's going to happen. I'll make sure of it." My voice got darker as my sentence ended, Reece showed no emotion what-so-ever, but eventually gave a small hint of annoyance.

"Whatever. Just, make sure you do it Scarlett. He'll be waiting." He says, taking his attention to her behind me. I look at him with sarcasm.

"You're coming too. So are you Marzia. Better in groups ain't we?" I say with a slight tilt of my head before putting it back up straight. Scarlett soon caught onto my sarcasm faster than the other pair.

"Right, why don't we get goin' then?" She said with a raise of her eyebrow, we both headed for the door hearing the two whispering behind us. This was going to be a fun night, and I know that for sure. If anything goes wrong, well let's just hope it doesn't.


Hello Wonders, sorry for the late update it kinda puts me off writing when people actually tell me to update. I get you guys like the story and want it updated as soon as possible but I have priorities in life too, I will get the chapters done. You may just have to wait a bit. Anyways, onto the topic.

What do you guys think the delivery is? Who do you think it's for? Any ideas of anything at all? Put anything down in the comments below. I'll be sure to read them! As always.

Smack that vote and follow button with ya foreheads if you enjoyed, be sure to comment below as well! I'll see you Wonder's later.

Take Care.


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