Chapter Twenty-Four - Never Was Our Forever.

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Chapter Twenty-Four


Never Was Our Forever.


How could I do this to him? How the hell was I meant to know that my so called 'father' was the leader of a gang that my ex boyfriend was in? I don't even know what to think anymore.

I had to do something about this, however, Alfie has been on high alert ever since we got to Zoe and Alfie's apartment. Joe as well, both were on the couch in the lounge which happened to be right next to the only door that led out.

So I was stuck in a spare room they had, staring at the door in which was closed shut. Alfie, Joe and Zoe knew exactly where I was yet not what I was doing. I wasn't going to do anything drastic since that could lead to much more that I didn't need.


It Rang.




And longer.

"God damn-it." I whisper, taking my phone in my hand throwing it across the room the loud smashing sound echoing throughout the house. Footstep thudded down the hall of the apartment, Alfie? Joe? The door swung open.


"Scarlett! Wh-" she slowly put the pieces together, "oh Scar." She walked to the bed and put her arm around my shoulders.

"I-I've called him a mil-lion times now..." I sob into her shoulder, her arms wrap tightly around me.

"Sweetie, we'll get him back. He'd never give up on you, you know he'll never say no to you." Zoe says softly, I shake my head standing off the bed and looking down at her. My mood had just suddenly changed in that split second, I pace back and forth.

"NO! Do you know how many fucking times I've heard that?" I say with a fierce tone, not indicating it at her in any way, "I'm sick of it, I'm sick of those words!" I say falling to the ground, I'm a mess I'll admit it. Nothing would be fine from now on in my world, well to me that's what I thought. Negativity.

"Scarlett please, just believe me.." Zoe attempts to start to calm me down, yet of cause I always had to compete, especially with sound.

"ZOE! I cannot believe anything I'm told anymore." I say clenching my fists, don't hit her Scarlett. Don't. My knuckles started to become white, my fists so tight together Zoe couldn't unfold them even if she tried. No. No. No. Don't.

I was known ever since I was young that I had been diagnosed with anger management issues, my mother knew that I would. My constant fights with myself if I had done something I shouldn't have, god I've even hit her a couple of times.

I grew out of it however, ever since I met Felix. Since then, he's always been there to help, now... there is only Zoe. I don't even think she could stop what I was doing. She opened her mouth and began to speak.

"Scar-" I slammed my fist into the mirror beside me, a mixture of noises echoed through the apartment. Zoe's scream, my scream, the mirror smashing and of cause, the boys running down the hall. I fall to the ground, I knew I was not yet finished with my whole anger problem. The others didn't.

"Zo?" Alfie said urgently when he swung open the bedroom door, Joe and Alfie survey the scene shock on their faces. Alfie aids Zoe and her cries whilst Joe attempts to help me.

"Joe!" Zoe screamed as I swung around my fist clenched with glass pieces and blood covering it. Joe jumped back quickly, his reflexes were fast I'll admit that. I stared at him eyes wide, then I jolted my head quickly to the side. Almost somewhat like a horror game enemy.

"Scarlett, c'mon. We don't need this." Joe said holding his hands out in front of him for his slight protection. I had totally discarded the fact that there was glass embedded inside my hand, I just needed my anger out.

I swung at Joe again, he grabbed my wrist quickly. Faster than I expected, I struggled in his grip trying to pull away his hand with my free one. He grabbed my other wrist and held them both together with one hand.

"Let go!" I growl, attempting to get out of his strong grip, "JOE!" I yell, pulling and pulling. He never did let go however, Zoe ran out of the room in search of things to stop my bleeding and to get the multiple, almost like shrapnel, glass pieces inside my hand.

Alfie looked at Joe and myself, seeing where he could help at his best. He looked at Joe frantically, my anger still fighting me. I knew deep down I didn't want to hurt anyone, my anger was just getting too much for me to handle let alone Joe, Alfie and Zoe.

"Jeez Alfie! Just stand there why don't you?" Joe said, a bit irritated that Alfie didn't know what to do with the situation he was given. Alfie triumphantly sighed and took a hold of my waist pulling me back and away from Joe who stood there looking at Alfie who seemed to have more strength than he looked. Zoe's constant pounding on the door put the boys back into action.

"Joe, get the door!" Alfie said, Joe hurriedly opened the door and Zoe barged in with medical supplies falling out her hands. She threw them on the bed and looked at me pleadingly, by then I had stopped everything, after a few minutes of that constant struggling I finally gave up. My loose tired body hanging in Alfie's grip.

I sit on the bed when Alfie lets me go, Joe and Alfie stand in front of Zoe and I as she tends to my hand, my constant wincing every time she ripped a shard of glass out of it's wound.

"Why Scarlett? Why would you do that?" Alfie asked, his voice worried as were all their faces.

"It was me or Zoe." I manage.


Hello Wonders!

Jeez I haven't updated in a while, sorry guys! Anyway what did you guys think? I didn't have much inspiration and/or thought on this chapter, hence why it's majorly late. Plus with my new collaboration book 'We Were Broken || TheCreatures Fanfiction.' coming out that didn't help either. But from now on, I really think that this story will have slow updates. As well with TeamCrafted Unite. Just while I try to get everything back on track and to write more chapters for the new Creatures Fanfiction.

So all you Creatures fans tune into that new story! Anyways and always, in the somewhat words of BajanCanadian.

If you guys enjoyed be sure to smack that vote button with ya foreheads, be sure to follow too! I'll see you Wonders later!

Take Care,


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