Chapter Twenty-Three - The Sugg Siblings.

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Chapter Twenty-Three


The Sugg Siblings.


It seemed like Alfie was the only one here with a car, well.. Zoe anyway, Alfie's girlfriend. She was also in the YouTube business. Known world-wide as Zoella, as the two drove I heard their slight conversation, acting as if I wasn't meant to be hearing anything. But I heard it all.

"Th-they took him! Alfie, they took you, I've been looking everywhere with Joe. Now you're telling me they took Felix." Zoe cried softly, Alfie's grip on the wheel tightened. His knuckles turning white under the sudden street lights that would flicker.

"We tried getting him back, but he told us to leave, h-"

"Alfie!" Zoe closed her eyes, trying to keep herself together, "he's our friend, we don't just leave him. We have to go back!" She whispered, taking a deep breath and pulling herself together. Jeez, I wish I could do that. But no, I was the one sniffling in the back of the car, looking out the window and contemplating what my life was.

"If we go back, they'll take Scarlett. Felix told me," Alfie paused, lowering his voice. Attempting to hide the words from me, however again, that didn't work, "I promised him I would keep her away, he just wants her safe."

All Felix wants is me safe? I'm NEVER safe, hasn't he learned that yet. I breath softly on the window glass, my hot breath catching against the glass creating a cloud of fog among the cold. I gently write the words gently on the window.

'Never is our forever.' I wrote with long cursive writing, no matter how many never-s we hear, never was our way of saying forever.

"Alfie..." Zoe gently placed a hand on Alfie's, "some promises. You just have to break, no matter who." she whispered, I nod softly. 'Some promises you just have to break.' Right, as Alfie stops at a red light I bring up the courage. I take a deep breath and nod to myself, closing my eyes I quickly open the back door. Flying out and closing it shut, I run the way we had came.

"SCARLETT!" I hear Alfie scream as he jumps out of the car as well as Zoe on the other side. I ran as fast as I could, my shoes slapping against the ground in a never ending sprint. But all hope I had came to a stop as I slammed straight into someone. Falling to the ground with him.

"Thank god." I hear Zoe sigh, I look up from my feet to see a guy who looks somewhat like Zoe. I scramble back, my breathing becoming faster my heart beating to its fullest.

"Its okay! Its okay! I'm not going to hurt you!" he says over my constant rambling mind of every possible way this guy could kill me. I hear footsteps running up behind me, I fret and jump up. Straight into the arms of Zoe.

"It's okay. This is Joe! My brother." she explains quickly, I take deeper breaths my heart rate slowing. I close my eyes shut, taking a shaky breath I retract my arms from around Zoe.

"S-sorry." I say to Joe, a sympathetic smile controling his lips. He nods a comforting acceptance, I drop my head and close my eyes once again. Tears dropping down my face.

"Scarlett?" Zoe quietly asks, she bends down beside me. Only to be shocked at what I scream. She jumps back as the silence is cut by my voice.

"I SHOULD BE THERE!" I scream loudly, I lower my voice as the crying finally kicks in, "I-I should be there. I-I should be i-in his p-place." I cry out, my eyes closing as I cover them with my hands. Sobbing out into the night.

"N-no one wants Felix.. or you there," Alfie whispers slowly, "w-we don't want anyone there. We'll get him back, I-I promise." he says comfortingly, I look up to him, no emotion on my face. Not even sadness.

"Some promises you just have to break. Right Zoe?" I say with a displeased frown, "what if we never get him back? What if!" I yell standing and looking up into Alfie's eyes. Anger and sadness rolled into one on my face and in my eyes, "never was our forever." I whisper, the anger flowing out of me like the tears I now cry again.

Zoe sighs softly yet it was shaky, she was contemplating whether my thoughts were true. They all were. What if we can never save Felix? What if we could never see him again? Never was our forever, now its just another lost hope.

"What i-"

"JOE!" Zoe scowls, her eyes a watery mess. She knew exactly what her brother was going to say, what if we can't. She huddles into Alfie's arms, her sobs matching mine.


Zoe's were a cry for hope, loss. My cries were from pain, loss and hate. I needed him, more than anything. Joe takes my shoulders and walks me to Zoe's car. Alfie and Zoe following behind, he places me in the back and walks around to the other side. Zoe takes the passenger and Alfie starts driving once again.

I look down to my arms, the memories they held. Of strength, weakness and the slight chance of hope. I hadn't done anything to myself since Felix had found me after Dave had beaten me. I sigh softly as I look at Zoe from the rear vision mirror, her eyes were red and puffy again matching mine.

Joe looked lost, lost within his own mind. Wondering if there was any other hope of seeing Felix ever again. I could see the worry on his face, he was attempting to hide it. Yet, I could still see past him. I could see past anyone's emotion barrier, it was if I was a master at hiding my own.

Alfie was a hard one to figure, yet. I could still see through him just as if he was glass. He wasn't lost, or sadened. He was completely focused on losing a best friend, the emotion that covers all. One I wish no one could of felt but myself, yet it seemed like I wasn't the only one feeling such an emotion that powers over all.


My eyes linger towards the outside world, the stars shining bright in the night sky and as if my life was a fairytale. A swear I saw a shooting star, I couldn't leave the slight chance that it was real. I wished for the one thing I ever wished for right now.

Not to have Felix back in my arms, not for all of this to end, not to have a happy ending of any sort on my behalf. I wished for the one thing I truly wanted. Something I knew that I very truly wanted.

"Replace him..." I whisper out to the stars, my eyes shining with any slight chance of hope that all this was real, I whisper out again after my pause, "with me."


Hello Wonders! How about this chapter 'ay? Thoughts are always welcome in the comments, just no negative comments thanks. What do you all think on this little chapter I wrote tonight. Took me about two hours to process and write this for you guys. I hope you enjoy it, on another note. I finally reached 100 Wonders! I'd like to thank you all for coming on this journey with me, and I hope it lasts forevermore! Also Healing Felix reached 19K! Woo! I never thought this would go so far, so if you guys could write down below what you like about this story and/or my writing I would appreciate it! I really want to know why people even like my stories so much. And another thing I would like to add. On a sad note. Healing Felix will be ending soon. However could there be a sequel? I don't know, could there? Anyway if I did would any of you read it? Or should I just leave it how I end it?

Anyways, if you enjoy smack that vote button with ya foreheads! And also follow my account for more fanfics! I'll see you Wonders later!

Take Care,


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