One Piece

449 35 21

Genre: Shonen
Dub Available (they pretty much dub it as it comes out)
Rating: PG-13
Seasons: a lot
Episodes: 845 as I write this (ongoing. and probably won't ever stop lmfao)
Overall Score: 6/10
Summary: Monkey. D. Luffy refuses to let anyone or anything stand in the way of his quest to become the king of all pirates. With a course charted for the treacherous waters of the Grand Line and beyond, this is one captain who'll never give up until he's claimed the greatest treasure on Earth: the Legendary One Piece!

This show is ongoing, and has been since 1999, so over 18 years now. I started watching it back in 2005 when it first aired on Cartoon Network, although it was pulled from the air after about a year so I only had a couple random episodes under my belt. The animation quality of the first chunk of episodes (1-143 particularly) betrays its age. However, the animation does get better, and there's a timeskip around the 450 mark and the characters get complete redesigns.

I actually am not caught up on One Piece, I just felt it was worth reviewing since it's one of the Original Big Four Animes (One Piece, Dragon Ball, Naruto, and Bleach if I remember right). It is tedious to sit through 750+ episodes, but it is a really interesting show and the characters are all very likeable and suuuuper well-rounded. (I mean, just think about how many of those 772 episodes are dedicated to just backstories.)

I would suggest One Piece if you're planning on binge watching a lot of anime over summer break or something similar, because every episode back to back is about 12 1/3 days straight. (Assuming you sleep about 8 hours each night and do other things, it would probably take you over half of the summer to get through it). So if you have the time, it is worth it because the story is very engaging and the characters very interesting.

I don't think I'll ever catch up on One Piece, but it will forever have a place in my heart.

(For the record, I only got to episode 183, and that took me about a year)

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