The Future Diary (Mirai Nikki)

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Genre: Fantasy, Horror
Dub Available
Rating: TV-MA, theres a loooot of violence and some nudity
Seasons: 2
Episodes: 26
Overall Score:  8/10
Summary: Reality quickly unravels when antisocial Yukiteru is called into a death match against 11 other mentally scarred individuals. Each player has a prophetic device tuned to their personality, giving them control over their future—and the fate of their foes.  

So if you know nothing else about this show you probably know Yuno, or at least what she looks like, because shes one of the most like famous Yandere characters in anime... I think. Anyway, I like her. I personally dislike Yuki. It's usually the opposite for me, typically I dislike the girls in anime and like the boys, but it was switched for this one.

There is a lot of violence. Like a lot. Obviously. Theres a lot of killing. It's not as bloody as some animes are, like it's not as intense as Parasyte or Devilman. And there are boobs sometimes. Oh, and there's a very brief sex scene. So yeah, would not recommend if you don't like those things.

It has a decent enough plot. I thought it was pretty cool. If the characters were more likeable I think it would have been better. Akise Aru saved the whole show singlehandedly, 10/10 best boy.

The weirdest thing is by the end you have no idea who you're even rooting for, or who to even root for. It's so in the grey area instead of like Yuki and Yuno being definitively bad or good. It's quite an experience.

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