Magi: Adventure of Sinbad

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Genre: Fantasy, Action, Shonen
Dub Available (english and spanish actually)
Rating: TV-14
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 13
Overall Score: 6/10
Summary: The Magi who became the High King of the Seven Seas started as a boy determined to make the world a better place. He begins with a dangerous dungeon.

This is one of the first Netflix Original animes that I watched. It's not awful, but Sinbad is kind of meh. His design is absolutely wonderful, he has a ponytail and thicc eyebrows and he's voiced by Matthew Mercer in the english (Who, if you don't know, also voices Levi from AoT and McCree from Overwatch) and i have a love of good anime boys so naturally i latched onto Sin. Not to mention I love the legend of Sinbad, and pirates in genral. What made me not like this as much as I would have was how overpowered Sinbad seems to be. He just kicks ass without even trying to. Like a dungeon that killed 10,000 soldiers? He took, and barely got injured. He's kinda mary-sue ish. He's like ✨special✨ or something bc when he was born these magical butterflies appeared??? i have absolutely no idea, they just used it as an excuse to make him really strong with next to 0 combat experience or anything. so that's my only qualm with an otherwise decent show.

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