Chapter 1

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Annabeth POV

"Annabeth, the truth is, is that I love you, more than life itself." Octavian said as he cupped my face in his hands.  He stared gently into my eyes and then brought his face closer to mine.

No, no, no, NO! I think to myself as he slowly inches closer.

Before I have time to react his lips are on mine, and he has his free arm wrapped around my waist holding me, pulling me closer to him.

My body reacted by pushing him away, completely repulsed by the thought of him touching me in any way.  I reach my hand up and it collides with his face producing a sickening thud.

Suddenly I hear Percy say something, barely audible, and I slowly begin to drift back from dreamland.

Percy's POV

I wake up with the bright morning sun shining lightly into my eyes.  I layed in bed for a minute longer after waking, enjoying the comfortable warmth of the blankets around me and the softness of the pillow beneath my head.  Looking over at the clock, 7:25.  Annabeth must not be awake yet.

Annabeth and I have this thing where whoever is up first has to go wake the other up, that way we don't sleep in too late.  So doing my duty I got dresses and began to head over the the Athena Cabin at 7:30 in the  morning.  No matter how badly I actually wanted to go back and crawl into my bed and fall asleep again.

I slowly enter, and see Annabeth peacefully sleeping.  Her beautiful wavy blonde hair lay sprawled out across her pillow in an adorable knotted mess from her sleep.  Her chest rose and fell in a repeated slow and stead pace as she breathed.  I was absolutely overtaken by how gorgeous and peaceful she looked.

Her beauty just made me want to kiss her.  I sat down on the edge of her bed and took her face in my hand, gently running my thumb over her cheek as I stared.  Leaned down and put my face to hers, giving her and overly gentle kiss so as not to wake her.

I stay there for a minute enjoying the feel of her soft feminine lips pressed against mine, until the moment is ruined by a hand, her hand, coming up and slamming into the side of my face knocking me from her bed.

Annabeth's POV

"What in the Hades do you think you're doing!" I scream at Octavian pushing him away from me.  I jump up and loom over him fist still raised "Who the hell do you think you are huh? My boyfriend! Stay away from me you jerk!"

"Yes," groans Octavian from under me. "It's me-PERCY!"

I suddenly freeze, and look closely at the body under me. It is Percy! Octavian kissing me must have been a nightmare!  "Oh my gods, Percy, I'm so sorry," I whisper gently, kissing him on the cheek. "I hope I didn't hurt you!"  My face begins to redden and I can feel my eyes tearing up... I didn't mean to hit him... I... I thought...

Groaning, Percy slowly stands up. "'Course you didn't hurt me," he says. He sits down on my bed. "But why did you attack me?" 

Giggling from anxiety and happiness that he has decided to pretend me hitting him didn't happen, I tell him about my nightmare.  How right when Percy had kissed me Octavian had done the exact same. 

"So you thought I was Octavian?" Percy asks, when I'm done.  I see a flash of anger cross his face, but he quickly hides it.  

"Yes," I answer meekly.

He looks at me and pouts. "Do I look like him?"

"Yes, very," I say.  I stare down at my feet and refuse to make eye contact, to upset with myself for ruining the morning and what would have been an adorable sweet moment of my boyfriend kissing me awake.

"Hey!" Percy says.  When I don't respond he gets up and goes around to the other side of my bed.  I assume he's leaving but  I still don't look up at him, next thing you know I was lightly hit with a pillow on the back of my head.  Jumping up

I turn and see him smiling at me, a playful look in his eyes.  I giggle and grab a pillow from my sister, Ariana's bed and hit Percy back, only quite a bit harder than he had hit me.  For the next couple of minutes that's what we do, jump around and dodge hits from the other persons pillow, as feathers fly all over the room. 

When Chiron finally comes to investigate the noise, he finds the whole cabin covered in feathers.  He took in the scene, Percy and I caught red handed holding the now almost featherless flat pillows.

"Annabeth," he says sternly. "I am very disappointed in you."

I look down, positive my face is red from shame. "Yes, I know. I'm sorry."

"Wait, you're not disappointed in me?" asks Percy. "Only in Annabeth?"

Chiron regards him with a sad expression on his face. "Mr. Jackson, no one expects you to ever follow the rules."

I stifle a laugh while Percy looks at Chiron with a dis-believing and innocent face.

"Anyway," continues Chiron, "clean it up."


Chiron's POV

"Dionysus," I regard him. "How many times must I remind you that turning a camper into a grape is not an acceptable punishment for pranking? Each time you do it, Zeus adds one minute to your time here!"

"Well, Conny Stevens deserved it," Dionysus waves me off.

"It's Conner Stoll," I say impatiently, still extremely disappointed in Dionysus. Suddenly, I hear a shimmering noise. It's an Iris-message from Zeus.

"Chiron!" he barks.

"Yes, my Lord?" I ask, bowing.

"Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson are to come to Olympus one at a time. First Percy will enter, then Annabeth."  He says with authority. 

I feel a chill. "It has to do with the prophecy, doesn't it? Killing Annabeth and Percy off won't help. It'll happen anyways. The prophecy will come true no matter what." I tell him, silently pleading him not to do this.

"Silence!" commanded Zeus. "Didn't I tell you and your Oracle to never speak of it, to forget of it's existence?"

"Well, I can't forget about it!" Rachel enters the room. "And Lord Zeus, I will not allow you to kill my friends because of it." She near screams.

"Rachel," i whisper urgently. "This is a private conversation. Leave."

She stands there a moment longer, her eyes pleading with me begging me not to let this happen, and I feel my heart break not only for her, but for Percy and Annabeth too.  I give her a look that screams of my own sorry and she leaves the room quietly sobbing.

"Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase WILL come to Olympus," commands Zeus.

"Yes," I answer remose and sorrow choking me.  

"And that's final!" The iris message ends.

A/N: First chapter didecated to NymphadoraHazelPiper!


EDITED BY @RavenDraeving

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