Chapter 14 (NOW 5 YEARS LATER)

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will someone please check out me one shots? PLEASE? I've worked hard on them, and want people to read them! PLEASE?









Annabeths POV

Being a huntress is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Imagine it: no worries, no troubles, just hunting and hanging out with your best freidns 24/7. It's beast.

THe huntresses are so nice! They always sing and dance, and whenever I have one of my meltdowns, they are totally there for me! THey are the nicest, sweetest things alive! Thanks Artemis they are awesome!

It's been so long since I've even seen Camp. Sometimes I wonder how they are. Do they know that the gods wanted us dead? DO they know what happened? Is Nico alright, after saving my life? What happened to everyone? ow much have they changed in the what? six years I've been gone? 7?

"5," answered Thlia when I asked her. "You are 23 now. Well, you would be, if you had aged the last years."

"5," I whispered. "5 years since Percy died." And then I had my meltdown.

Nonstop sobbing, nonstop wailing for my Percy who is gone. Gone forever, and I keep crying, relieving our last moments together, relieving his last words. His last words were a promise... then a bye.

How fitting, considering I'll never see him again.

So I continued sobbing until I fell asleep.

And when I woke up I was to tired to cry.

One night, when we were all asleep after a long day of hunting, I woke up from a bad dream and couldn't fall asleep.

So I just lay there, shivering in the cold, when I heard a loud crash and lots of cussing in Ancient Greek.

I stood up, and looked around. NO one else seemed to hear the noise. And it wasn't one of the huntresses making the noise. It was a male voice, I'm sure of it.

Curious, I tiptoed towards the noise. Don't blame me! I haven't seen a boy for 5 years.

I turned around an saw a boy with really dark brown hair and raggedy clothing on. he was carrying around a bag, and I assume that's what made the bang.

He was mumbling to himself.

"I can't belive... dad... she do that... curse this minotour horn..."

Minotour horn. I only know of one demigod who had a minotour horn.

It was too much to hope for. But still, I slowly called out, just loud enough for the boy to hear, "Percy?"

I counted the seconds. 1.. 2... 3... 4... 5...6...

"Who's there?" he called out harsly. "And who is this Percy person?"

I knew it. I was wrong. But it's too late now. I slowly walked out of the shadows into the moonlight.

The boy gasped when he saw me. "Annabeth?"

I gasped when I saw him. Ther was no mistaking it... it was my Percy. Even though he died 5 years ago, he was in front of me ... flesh and blood.

"Percy," Silent tears streamed down my face. I reached out to hug him. "I missed you!"

He took a step back. I took one forward. He reached inside his pocket, and before I knew it, Riptide was at my throat.

"Seaweed Brain," I gasped. "They.. told me you were dead."

He steamed angrily at me. "You wanted me dead, didn't you? You are the one who struck that deal with the gods, right? Right?"

"What deal?" Snot flowed from my nose. "All I know is that they told me they killed you. Then theey tried to kill me. How are you alive?"

"The better question is," Percy glared at me. "Is how you are alive, if what you tell me is true."

"Nico saved me," I answered. "I swear!" He still looked skeptical. "By the River Styx."

He looked shocked. But then his face turned into a scary, evil smile. "Ok," he dropped RIptide on the ground. "I believe you. But do you love me, still, huntress of Artemis?"  

What I woul answer next would change my whole life, I know. "yes." I said honestly.

Percy looked at me, shocked. I could feel it happening to me to: the blessing of Atemis fading away, and me slowly catching up to my real age: 23.

"Do you love me?" i asked as he looked at me.

The question seemed to surprise him. "I-I.." he stuttered, and then I heard crashing coming this way. "Annabeth!" I heard THalia call.

Percy's face turned ashen. "It's a trap!" he yelled at me. THen he took his bag and fled.

I started running after him, but tripped over  twig and fell, sobbing, not knowing why.

The huntresses reached me. Thalia knelt down. "Annabeth!" she yelled, then looked at my face. She gasped. "What happened?"




Yep. That really just happened. I really just did that to you.


Annabeth Chase, dead or alive (BACK AGAIN!!! BUT SLOW UPDATES!)Where stories live. Discover now