Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to All you readers!

Sorry i didn't update so long!! Kept forgetting!

Also COOLEST THING HAPPENED!!!! I got 1K reads, and when you look up ANNABETH CHASE, mine is the 8th!!!!!

Dedicated to all you readers!!!!!

Annabeth POV

I followed Percy into the Big House, and couldn't help feeling afraid. Grover looked so panicked coming at me, and the way Percy has an uncertain air around me makes me feel nervous.

Chiron was waiting for us. "Children!" he asked. "What took you so long? I've been waiting for over an hour!"

"Sorry, Chiron!" I apoligized. "We got distracted, cleaning up the room, and we only remebered what little Daniela told us to go..."

"Daniela Hedge told you?" asked Chiron suddenly. "Not Grover?"

"No, but he was the one who reminded us. But, Chiron?" I said, suddenly nervous. "He was so panicked when he told me, he looked like he was about to die to keep me from coming here. This is going to be dangerous, is it?" Because, if it is, you can forget about it, I silently add in my head.

Percy and I have survived Tarturus together, for goodness sake!!! That place STILL haunts me. I am not going to do anything dangerous (hopefully) ever again. My bucket list contains: 1) Live a happy life with Percy, and 2) Maybe have kids. oh, and 3) Live in NEW ROME!!!!!!!!!

 Percy winces. It seemed like he wasn't telling me something. "What?" I ask him, scowling. "What are you not telling me?"

"You have chocalate all over your mouth from yesterday's chocalate cake," he quickly answers. Even though I'm positive that's not the reason, my hand still automaticly flies towards my mouth. It is actually covered in chocalate.

"Can you get me some water to wipe it off?" I ask Chiron, but Percy inturupts me.

"No, don't wash it off, it's cute." I smile and peck him on my cheek.

Chiron looks sick. Not the sick like oh-this-is-disgusting sick, but more like the i-can't-watch-this-because-i-must-tear-this-cute-couple-apart-but-i-dont-want-to sick.

"No actually, Miss Chase, you should wash it off. You two are going to Olympus, and Aphrodite would probably make a fuss." Chiron smiles a tight, tense smile.

"Ok," I shrug. Percy hands me a water ball that he made out of thin air and I take it and wipe the choclate off of my face.

"That was quite powerful magic, Percy," says Chiron with wide eyes.

Percy shrugs. "Nah, it's nothin."

"Anyway," says Chiron, giving himself a little shake, "Percy, you will enter first. Then, Annabeth once they call you."

Percy's eyes are full of worry. But why? What was he not telling me?

"Ok," I shrug.

We leave the Big House.

Grover POV

Rachel woke up on the infermatary bed. "RACHEL!" I yell relieved, but then sob onto her shoulder.

"What is it, Grover?" she asks. "Why are you so upset?"

"I tried to stop them Rachel," I asnwer truthfully, "but they went to the Big House anyway."

"What about Olympus?" Rachel almost strangled me.


"then it may not be too late!" she jumped out of bed and I followed her.

As we ran to the Big House, I can't help notice what a beautiful spring day it is. The campers play volleyball in the nice spring breeze. The purple flowers bloom on the ground. Little green leaves poke out of trees. It's a beautiful day, really.

Why do all beautiful days have to have horrible things happen during them?

We arrive at the BIg House. Percy and Annabeth are no where.

"RACHEL!!!" I scream unhappily. "THEY LEFT! THEY ALREADY LEFT!"  I fell to the floor in agony. "We're too late."

Annabeth Chase, dead or alive (BACK AGAIN!!! BUT SLOW UPDATES!)Where stories live. Discover now