Chapter 4

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OMG! I'm sorry i haven't updated for so long! I know it, I'm horrible! i left you on a cliffhanger and i didn't update for two weeks! I'm so sorry! I've just had such a busy week!

Percy POV

The second I left Annabeth's cabin, I noticed a change. The air was full of hostility and neglect.

"Hmm, I wonder who's arguing?" I ask myself. Suddenly I see it: Clarisse and Chris are having a monumental argument(ugh- monumental is such a big word- that's what I get for hanging around Annabeth too much) and a crowd has gathered around them.

"C'mon, Clarrise," I hear Chris's voice as I start walking towards them. "You're over-reacting! You always do..."

"You cheated on me you good for nothing bastard!" Clarrise's shrill voice cuts though the air. She was standing about two feet away from Chris, hands clenched into fists at her sides.

"No I didn't, this is a misunderstanding...Please don't kill me!"

I silently squeeze through the crowd, until I arrive in the middle, where they were arguing. Clarrisse spots me, grabs me by my turtle neck, and drags me into it- literally.

"See, even Prissy agrees," she spits at Chris.

" I, never said," I sputter, "Who's side I'm on..."

"ERG, PRISSY, YOU'RE SO ANNOYING!" Clarrise yelled in my ear. In the crowd, i saw Travis and Conner smiling at me. Big help.

Suddenly, little Daniela Hedge came running in and walked up to Clarrise. "Clarrise, calm down," she says in her little baby voice. It's so calm that even I feel like I could fly. Which is something I don't enjoy doing. Bu with Daniela, it feels like everything is wonderful.

Clarrise also seems to be calmed, because she drops me onto the ground and she isn't glaring at the whole crowd. Only at me and Chris.

Daniela has an effect like that. She makes everyone feel loved and happy.

"So what's the matter?" I ask. "I mean... so I can choose sides?"

My voice came out squeaky. Ugh- I'm just so scared of angering Clarrisse! I'm almost as scared as Clarrise as I am of Annabeth!

Well, it didn't work. Clarrise glared at me. 'What are you-deaf? Did you not just hear that he was cheating on me?"

"Clarrise, it's a misunderstanding, I tell you," Chris started. "You know, we might have never been meant to be..."

"Never... been meant to be....?" Clarrise sputtered. "You ungrateful little brat! You two timing jerk! I'm the one who found you in that labyrinth! Who nurses you back to health when you were half dead and delirious! I'm the one who loved, cared for you despite every threat and taunt that was thrown at me! I'm... I..."

She choked on her tears, and whispered "You're the only one I ever loved." She turned around, pushed through the crowd and ran into the woods crying.

I glared at Chris. "Seriously, dude?"

Chris shrugs, not even a bit ashamed. "Well, I loved Katie more."

"Wait, Katie Gardner?" Travis says from the crowd. His voice stuttered and he looks ready to puke.

Chris turns to Travis. "Yes," he says calmly. "And she also told me to tell you that her answer is no, Travis. She won't date you."

Travis's hands shook and wet splashy tears fell out of his eyes. He turned and ran away.

I look at Chris. He's smiling. "Idiot," I push him to the ground, and run after Clarrisse.


Clarrisse's POV

I can't believe it. After everything-this? After being threatened my whole life by my father, being hated by everyone, I lose the only one who truly ever cared about me? And- he's kissing my best friend?

"The fates are cruel," I whisper. The noise seems too small, too small to express what I feel. 'The fates are cruel!" I scream. The noise echoes.

"You don't know how many times I've thought that," I hear a voice come out of nowhere.

"Nico," I growl. "Go away, leave me alone."

Nico ignores me and sits down next to me.

"Clarisse, I understand what you're going through..." Nico says after a few minutes of me sobbing, but i interrupt him.

"You don't understand! You think you do, but you don't!" I suddenly am raving mad as i yell at him. "All you've ever done is betray people! You don't know what it's like to be betrayed by some one you love! Oh, right, you do," I sneer, "You love the great and mighty PERCY JACKSON! Well, guess what? Forget about him! He'll never love an idiot like you back-" I realize that Ares, my father, was the one controlling the words coming out of my mouth.

"Nico," I gasped, trying to correct my mistake, trying to not lose my friend, but the damage was done. Nico's eyes flashed and he disappeared, leaving me alone again.


Grover's POV

The prophecy spins around in my head.

"Holy Hera!" I scream. I can't believe it-it explains everything! No wonder the gods would kill them! The gods are cruel like that!

Then I realize, I have to warn them before it's too late!

In fact, I should tell them to stay away from Chiron and Olympus if it's the last thing they do!

Otherwise it will be the last thing they do!

But wait-who was that girl. She knows the prophecy now, and I have a feeling I've met her before, but with cloud or wind nymphs it's so hard to tell. Especially if you are Lord of the Wild and you have met a million!

I decide that I must leave Rachel here and go warn Percy or Annabeth of what happened.


Clarrise POV

Percy is coming. I hear him, stumbling through the trees. Carrying something heavy.

"Clarrisse!" he shouts, "Help me with Rachel!"

Wait, why would Percy be carrying Rachel?

"Hurry before I drop her----AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Percy screams, so I assume that he dropped her on his foot.

"C'mon, let me help you," I decide that helping Prissy will get my mind off things.

I pick up Rachel.

"Let's get her to Chiron," Percy says, "And I'll explain on the way why I was carrying Rachel."

Well, that's probably going to be the best deal I'm gonna. So I nod my head, and we start walking out of the woods.

AN Dedicated purplepony2002!

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