Chapter 19

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Piper's POV

I'm so confused.

Anna, the new camper, has met Annabeth. And Anna says that Annabeth told her that we wanted Annabeth dead.

That's not true.

Everything is wrong.

During Anna's breakdown about it, Jason started to cry and his face turned red. He pushed Anna to the ground, and he wouldn't do this. But he couldn't help it, I know. Finding Percy and Annabeth has meant everything to him.

"i didn't come back to life for no reason," he says a lot.

I always soothed him. "of course not. You are a hero, and I love you. You came back for me and life, right?"

He smiled at me sadly and said "Of course I came back for you, Pipes. But I also came back for them. Percy... Annabeth.... they need me. I need to find them, or else...." he sighed. "you wouldn't understand."

But i do. I understand, that he feels like the price of coming back to life is those two dying.

It's not true, obviously.

But he refuses to admit it.

Zues's POV

I'm so tired of stupid prophecies that predict my death.

So.. freakin... tired.

Who said prophecies must come true, anyhow?

That's what I was thinking when Hera proposed the idea of killing Percy and Annabeth off to prevent it from happening.

I agreed, but the idea failed.

I only made the prophecy delay itself a bit.

Ever since then, I've been studying the prophecies, trying to find holes.

I'm not getting anywhere.

I've called Rachel to Olympus once again, for her to repeat the prophecy.

"ONCE AGAIN!" I say in a booming voice, hoping to scare her just a tiny bit. But this is Rachel Elizabeth Dare, the oracle who threw a plastic blue hairbrush into Kronos's eye. I doubt she'll even notice how loud I talk.

Rachel just stood there, fiddling with the hem of her orange Oracle t-shirt. A shirt, just the same as the camp half-blood ones, except next to the original words, she wrote in permanat marker 's Orcale.


"Listen to the king!" snapped Hera at her, my beautiful wife. I smile at her. She's been repeating those words often, every time Poseidon and Athena tryed to convince us killing their children was not necessary. Stupid fools.

Rachel gave a little sigh, then said:

 "The daughter of wisdom and son of the sea,

Will meet at the age of twenty-three,

They'll decide if Olympus shall burn,

Or if the world shall end with a storm.

There, happy now?" she glared at me angrily, defiantly.

Typical Rachel.

"yes, yes. You may leave, unless if you'd like to stay for Artemis's trial," I say.

"Artemis's... trial?" Rachel asks, confused. Aah. I've sparked her intrest.

"yes," I smile. "It is believed that Artemis has been hiding Annabeth all those years, trying to keep her safe. Making her be a huntress."

Rachel stood upright. "A huntress," she whispered to herself. "no wonder we couldn't find her."

I smiled. How fascinating it was, making Rachel intrested in the gods for once.

"yes," I say. " But it doesn't matter now. Artemis says she forced Annabeth to leave, so her punishment will be a smaller one. But still, treachery, ASrtemis? Unexpected, I know." I gave Rachel my best smile, but she just glared at me, making me be reminded of Ares's, my son's, eyes, except green.

The image is a bit scary.

"LEAVE!" I suddenly command, making all the gods flinch. Only Rachel didn't. She gave me one last glare, then stormed out, slamming the door behind her, making all of us, including me, flinch.

AN sorry if that was too short. I hope you liked it!


Annabeth Chase, dead or alive (BACK AGAIN!!! BUT SLOW UPDATES!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang