Chapter 10

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Annabeth POV

Okay, I panicked. When Nico saved my life, all I did was run. Cowardly of me, but he was angry. I'm certain. There was literally death rolling off of him. The grass around him withered and died. And he yelled at me to run, so i did. Without a thank you. Without an... anything, really.

Then I realized he must have been there the whole time. Did they really kill Percy? I could have asked him. Then the pain wouldn't be so... painful.

Wow. Nice usage of words, Annabeth.

Oh, I just realized something else. Why Nico was so mad. Because... they MUST have killed Percy. That would explain everything.  My breakfast comes out the wrong way as I hit the ground. It's slimy. It doesn't taste good at all. It's blue. Like Percy's favorite color.

What was his favorite color. He's dead.  Darn it Annabeth he's dead, I think to myself, but strangely I can't bring myself to believe that he really is.  

Sitting there on the ground, my breakfast now lying in front of me, I can feel myself going lightheaded, everything around me seems to be spinning.  I suddenly feel hollow, like I'm floating away from my own body, I faint.

2 hours later.

Yes, I really fainted. I know, it's random, but I just can't believe he's dead. My Percy. Gone forever.

I still remember in Tarturus, how horrible it was to see him look like a corpse, and how wonderful it felt when we got out of Tarturus to see my Percy again.

His dark brown hair, his seagreen eyes, his loyalty...  He's gone. Dead. forever.


I stumble around, don't know where i am. Where did Nico shadow-travel me to anyway? How am I supposed to find my way home?  Oh, right.  Stupid of me, I know. Because now that the gods know I escaped, they'll want to hunt me down, and kill me.

Like they killed Percy.

"Did he go to Elysuim?" I whisper, touching the green grass and shivering in the chilly breeze. "Or maybe the Isles of Blessed? We deserve it." The grass looked very green, greener then I've ever seen grass. "No, the gods wanted for us to suffer. He's probably in eternal punishment right now." I wipe away the tears. "Another thing Nico would have known. Why am I being so stupid!"

I clench the grass and rip it out of the ground, blinded by my own tears. Then I sob and sob and sob and sob and (you guessed it) sob until I fall asleep.

Thalia's POV

"C'mon, Artemis is awaiting us at the biggest tree in this forest," I tell my huntresses. "We must hurry!!!"   We rush on faster then before.

"Thalia?" asks little Mimi. She's 5 and the youngest (and cutest) huntress we have.

"What is it, Mimi?" I smile warmly at her.

"There is something lying on the grass over there, in that clearing."

I stop, and get my bow ready. "What do you think it is? An dead animal? A sleeping one? A dead human?" I ask harshly.

We step into the clearing.

"A sleeping human," answers Mimi.

I recognize her. "Annabeth!" I yell.

Annabeth POV

I wake up and see Thalia standing over me. "Annabeth!" she screams, and hugs me tightly.

"Thalia?" I wonder in awe. "Where am I? Why am I not at Camp?"

I remember the dream I had. It was beautiful.

I woke up to the smell of choclate (blue) chip pancakes. 'Mmm,' I thought. 'What could that be?' I went downstairs. Percy was cooking in the kitchen.

"Honey!" he shouted, surprised to see me. "What are  you doing up so early? Go back to bed, okay?"

"What about breakfast?" I complained.

"It's Mother's Day," grined Percy. "Don't worry, Jake and Athena will bring you breakfast in bed."

Agreeing, I had went back to bed, and waited until a cute border collie poked her head in. "Come in, Mason." Mason jumped on to the bed and cuddled up next to me.

Suddenly, a girl with blond hair in ponytails with seagreen who looked about 5 and a boy with dark brown hair and gray eyes who looked about 8 entered.

"Happy mother's day Mommy!" they sang, and let me blow out the candles on the pancakes.

"Thank you," I smiled, and then the dream had evaporated.

 Suddenly I remembered. Percy's dead. I started to sob onto Thalia's shoulder.

"Annabeth?" asked Thalia concerned. "What happended?"

"Thalia," I choked. But instead of answering, I whispered in her ear: "I need to become a huntress."

Annabeth Chase, dead or alive (BACK AGAIN!!! BUT SLOW UPDATES!)Where stories live. Discover now