Chapter 8

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Hiya ya'll! dedicated to my cousin!

Nico POV

"Percy Jackson!" I arrive just in time to hear Zues bellow. "We have decided that you and Annabeth are far too powerful together."

"What do you mean?" asks Percy, looking up at Zues curiously.

Percy-with his dark brown hair and sea green eyes. With his sense of loyalty that everyone loves him for. With his-  'Stop', I command myself. 'If you keep thinking this way no one will ever like you.'  As much as it seems like I'm always depressed and angry, that's only because I want a true friend. And I don't have one.

Sure, you may say, the 7 are my true friends. But Hazel's a sister, not a friend. Bieng friends with Annabeth? In your dreams. Leo is afraid of me. I can tell. And i don't want a friend like that.  Piper, is, well, nice enough. But she laughs at the jokes Leo says about me, and she's the daughter of the love goddess. I can't get past that.  Frank is nice, but he just...doesn't seem intrested in being my friend. I'm pursonally fine with that.  Now there's Jason. The son of Zues, who killed my mother. A perfect leader. He says he understands. There is no way possible-ever.

Percy? How can he be my friend? Just no. Please forget about it.

Clarrisse I used to be good terms on, but look at her. Look how much she accepts me, so much that she sneers at me and makes fun of it when I try to comfort her.  That's why I never comfort anyone.  Juniper is the closest friend I have. But of course, she doesn't know. Otherwise, she'd be gone in a blink of an eye.  Actually, less than that.

I'm so deep in thought I almost miss Zues's answer.

"It means, Seaweed scum," Zues says, as I clench my fists, "That you are the power, and she is the brains. And we can't have those together anymore."

"This isn't about that," I whisper to myself, so no one can hear. "It's about that stupid prochecy."

"Yeah, well, I'm not breaking up with Annabeth. Ever." Percy says confidently.

My eyes suddenly start to burn. I don't know why, but my vision blurs.

"Don't worry, Percy, you don't have too." Athena broke in. "She already broke up with you."

Percy and I stare wide-eye at them.

"The dream she had about Octavian kissing her wasn't a nightmare!" Athena laughed. "It was the best dream she ever had. Better then the one she had about kissing you."

My fists unclench and I start to believe it.  'Of course she'd do that! Why wouldn't she? She 's a monster!'

Percy still refuses to believe it. "No!" he screams at the top of his lungs.

"I'm sorry son," says Posiedon. Suddenly, I hear a girl scream Percy's name.

"Annabeth?" Percy turns towards the sound in a daze.

"No, that isn't Annabeth!" Athena laughs. "That was your imagination."

"You are imagining things that save you from this horrible torture of finding out Annabeth really hates you," says Aphrodite. She sighs. "Oh, how romantic!"

 Slowly, I start to believe it. I'm just imagining things that saves me from the horiible- so horrible, it makes me cry- torture oh finding out Annabeth hates me! Oh, Annabeth hates me! What horrible torture!!!! Yet, it's so romantic for me to think of those things- wait, romantic?

I break out of my trance and start to curse under my breath. Oh, that miserable Aphrodite! She's using charmspeak!!

"Now, we told Annabeth that she has to break up with you or we have to kill both of you. She easily choose break up!" Aphrodite sniffles. "And, she told us that even you alone , you are too powerful to live. Now we have to kill you!" Aphrodite starts to wail. "PERCABETH IS GONE FOREVER!!!"

"Kill me?" mutters Percy, also breaking out of his trance. "Oh, no. i won't give you that satisfaction- or Annabeth that satisfaction of me dying. Not in a million year.s"

Those are his last words before he runs out the throne room and jumps off Olympus, to the city of New York below.

"Good, there is no way he'll survive that," Zues grins. "Annabeth Chase you may now enter!" he suddenly roars.

Annabeth enters.

My fist clenches at the sight of her, who caused Percy and me so much misery.

"Annabeth Chase, the gods have decided that you and Percy together are too dangerous. We gave your boyfriend the choice- to either break up with you, or die. He is dead now."

The lies fill my ears-all of them, because i sense Percy is not dead. Annabeth starts to sob uncontrollable wails. i stare in shock

What is going on?

Annabeth Chase, dead or alive (BACK AGAIN!!! BUT SLOW UPDATES!)Where stories live. Discover now