Chapter 12 (part 1)

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__You__ did it! She figured ou the russian word! it means 'idiot'. dedi for her, last chapter and this!

Since I didn't get any requests for who's POV i should do, I'm gonna do it in Reyna's POV, Piper's POV, and Hazel's POV. Oh, and Annabeths' POV.

Completely random, right?

Piper's POV

As we head back to the big house to organize a Percy-Annabeth search, I can't help remembering what happened last time I went to the Big House.


"There's terrible news," Chiron announced. The tension that filled the room was unbeareable after he said that.

It was a meeting at the big House. Everyone was there. Except Nico and Percy..... and Annabeth?

"Where are they?" I suddenly say. I guess the tension was to horrible to bear with. "Where's Percy and Annabeth?"

Chiron seemed hurt by my question. Not in that way, but literally. His face looked older and more withered as he answered.

"I'm afraid that they were heading on thier way to Olympus when the bus they were in...crashed." Chiron said. "They didn't survive."

"No." I heard people gasp. Hazel turned a sickly green color and collaapsed, fainting. Frank, the big guy, rocked back in forth in disbelief, his face suddenly wet. Leo dropeed the Archidemes sphere and turned so pale, it looked like he was dead. Jason, a person I never saw cry before, was sobbing silently on to the table.

I? I don't know what I looked like, but I know I threw up.

As my eggs went sliming across the table, I made a list of reasons they shouldn't have died so young.

1: They saved too many lives.

2: They went through too much

3:They were my best friends.

4; They didn't do anything to deserve it.

5: They...

I was inturupted by Chiron.

"CALM YOURSELFES!!!!" he shouted. "Yes it horrible, but we have to make their lives count."

"A funeral." I stood up. "For the bravest people I ever knew."

No one seemed offended by that. In fact, they seemed to agree.

Hazel stood up, pale and shaking. "We have to make it the best." THose words were barely out of her mouth before she fainted on the floor again. Frank swooned down to catch her.

"Don't worry, Hazel, we will." I told the already unconsious girl. "Let's start planning."

That's what happened the last time I was at the Big House. Even though that was only 3 hours ago, it seems like a lifetime. So much has happened since then- the funeral got planned, we had to tell the whole camp, Nico appeared, he told us Percy and Annabeth weren't dead, and now we are going to organize a Percy-Annabeth search.

 I still can't believe they are alive. It seems like a dream, because ever since I thought they were dead, I've been living in a nightmare.  Jason wasn't talking to me. Not just to me- he wasn't talking to anyone. He looked like his heart was broken into two, and that killed me.

The truth is, ever since Jason died, he hasn't been himself.  Where was that leadership air around him? Where was his Roman and Greek side mixed together? Where was his perfect 'goody goody' attitude?

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