Chapter 17

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Hey. Back from the dead! Finally escaped the Underworld. Whew!

Yep. that's my excuse for not updating. 7 days people! 7 days!

I truly feel bad. I will try to make this longer.

Annabeth's POV

On the way to the cabins, Piper stopped me. She had a curious look in her eye.

"You are a little too old to come to camp," she smiled. "Are you an escapee? Who has come back to live in New Greece?"

"What?" I sniffled. Everything was so confusing! So much has changed.

Piper explained: "Someone who had went to camp before, then left, we call an escapee. If you come back when you are older-let's say, 23, my age," my tears filled my eyes again, "then you probably came back to live in New Greece, a safe place where demigods can live their life, go to college, get jobs. Have kids! Everything is wonderful in New Greece."

"Like New Rome!" I recalled.

Piper looked at me shocked. "Don't tell me!" she saw my red face. "you went to Camp Jupiter!"

'i was young," I made up a story. "But I left. On a quest. Everyone died in it and I lived in the woods for years. Finally I found this camp." I gulped. Did it sound as lame as I thought it did?

Piper's smile faded. "ohhh," she said. "I'm sorry-" She paused. "I don't know your name!' she giggled.

"Anna!" i said quickly. "Anna. Anna Bethie Cooper."

I mentally smacked myself. How creative. Only a daughter of Athena could have thought of this one!


Piper looked at me, baffled. She mumbled something, me unable to hear anything except the word "Annabeth?"

Oh great.

She opened her mouth, about to speak, when suddenly, a boy with blond hair literally flew over to her. He kissed her on the cheek, then spotted me. "Hello!" he smiled, his icy cold eyes staring into my eyes, and a little scar on his chin was visible.


"Hi..." I said, trying not to cry. My gods, he had barely changed. It is I who had changed the most.

"I'm Jason." He held out his hand.

I shook it. "i kno- I mean, my name is Anna." I smile, trying to cover my mistake.

"cool!" he smiled lightly, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. He turned to Piper. "Pipes, have you asked about them yet...?"

"I was just about too!" Piper turned back to me. "While you were on the way here... did you happen to meet someone named Annabeth Chase or Percy Jackson?"

Nico's POv

I sit down on the chair. As president of the Search, I have lots of responsibilities. We still haven't found them yet. Percy, Annabeth. I want to find them because if I don't, then the gods will find them first, and kill them. But if we find them first, then we can overcome the gods, and all wil be saved.

I sit down and remember the first time that we tried to find them. We thought (stupidly) that they  might try to go to Camp Jupiter. Then two people arrived there. We automatically assumed it was them. False alarm. It turned out to be a brother and sister, children of Mars.

Not Percy and Annabeth.

I didn't tell anyone the truth, about how the gods wanted to kill them so the prophecy wouldn't come true.

THat's why they aren't here yet. That's why I haven't seen Percy's beautiful eyes in so long. They think that we, the demigods, want them dead, just like the gods do. They are on the run, trying to survive, hating the other, hating us, and it's all because of the stupid prophecy.

And the stupid gods.

Suddenly, Rachel burst in. "Nico!" she cried.

"What?" I said angrily. It's her stupid prophecy that ruined Percy's life. Of course, it's technically not her fault, but I chose to ignore that.

She stood there, panting, trying to catch her breath. Finally, she says "The line.... in the prophecy.... they shall meet at the age of twenty three.... it came true."

Percy's POV

I need to find Annabeth.

Who cares if she led me straight into a trap, trying to let Artemis and the huntresses capture me and kill me, while distracting me about her 'love for me' and all the other lies?

That's actually why I want to find her.

I don't think she was lying. About how she still loved me. The way she said it- too sincerely to be a lie. I don't know if she really was lying, but I need to find out.

Where would she go? I don't know.

Where should I go to find her? Only one answer- camp. Where they celebrated my death with happiness, not knowing I was alive. I have to go hide with the enemy, and try to find Annabeth.

First, I need a disguise.

I sneak into a mortal's home that night, easily being able to steal red hair dye and brown contct lenses.

There. Done.

I slowly start the long walk towards Camp.

It's short, isn't it?

*sigh*. I'm so sorry.


Annabeth Chase, dead or alive (BACK AGAIN!!! BUT SLOW UPDATES!)Where stories live. Discover now