Chapter 11

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Nico POV (Because he's my fav character!)

I'm very dumb.  I was so upset after the whole Olympus scandel thingy-majingy that when I tried to shadow travel back to camp, I ended up in Russia.  Of course, I didn't know where I was, and I needed to know where i was to shadow travel back home.

I went around asking people, but no one understood.

"Идиот!" said one. (A/N yes that's really russian. And no, i didn't use google translate. You want to know what it means? Go google translate it! I'll write it down in comments so you can copy it.The first one with the real answer gets this chapter's DEDICATION!!!!!)

Finally, a man told me I was in Moscow, Russia.

"THANK YOU!" I was so happy: I was wandering around Russia for 2 HOURS STRAIGHT!!!! So then I shadow traveled.  I appeared back at camp just in time. The funeral for them was just about to start. Suddenly, I was crushed in hugs.

"Nico!" Rachel and Grover were the ones squeasing me. "We were worried, You were gone so long!"

"Let go," I push them off. "Why a funeral? They aren't dead."

"They aren't? Thank the gods!" Rachel smiled.

"Don't tell them what we asked you to do,' Grover quickly said before I was greeted by Chiron.

"Nico, there is horrible news." Chiron was crying. "Annabeth and Percy were sent to Olympus, and haven't returned. The gods sent a message that they were killed in an accident on the way there."

My head was filled with lies. 'At least you know what's true,' I think to myself as I stare at the crying campers.

'Chiron," I whispered. "The gods must be mistaken. They are not dead." By the end of the sentence my voice is so loud that the whole camp can hear it.

"They are alive?" asks jason.

"Yes," I force myself to answer. "I know. I can tell when someone is dead. They aren't."

Cheers fill the camp as the campers rejoice over the news that their two favorite people are still alive.  All around there are hugs and high fiving, girls now crying out of joy instead of sadness.  

"We need to look for them. Do you know where they are?" Hazel asked.

"No clue," I shrug. "But I know that we can find them!" 

The campers cheered "yeah!"

"We must find Percy!!!!" I yell.  Silence. "Oh, and Annabeth," I quickly add.


"Then let's go!" Chiron cried. "Meeting in Big House. Be there." I followed the crowds of people to help save Percy... and Annabeth.

Thalia POV (now you get to know what happens!)

"I need to become a huntress."   Annabeth's words echoed in my ear.

A huntress. Annabeth: a huntress.

No. Please, no. I gasped and dropped my weapon. I pushed Annabeth to the ground where she collapsed and sobbed.

"A HUNTRESS?!?!?!?!" I shrieked. Annabeth nodded, still sobbing.

"NO!!!!!" I refused to believe it.

"Yes," Annabeth whimpered.

"NO!!!!!" I screamed. Then I turned around to see my (very) confused huntresses. 

Mimi stepped forward. "Why can't she Thalia?" she asked in her little sweet voice.

"Because, " But I couldn't explain. You see, my huntresses were all mostly abandoned by boys, causing them to hate men so much they swear them off forever. But I'm different. I never hated men. I respect them. I respect Percy, with his awesome loyalty and fighting skills. i love Jason, my little brother. Nico.... well, he's complicated. He's been through a lot, and I respect him for not going crazy.

But anyway, i respect men. So they won't understand why I'm mad at Annabeth for abandoning her boyfriend to join the Hunt.

"Can we talk in private?" I ask, then quickly pull Annabeth over to the side.

"Annabeth..."  But before I can rage at her she croaks in a hollow voice at me.

"Please, let me explain, Thalia. Percy's dead."

She starts to sob.

"WHAT!?!?!?!" I fall to the ground and together we cry over the Seaweed brain who's brain will never be so full of seaweed again.

"I understand." I said.

"What's the pledge again?" Annabeth asks.

"Just reapet after me," I tell her. "I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis..."

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11th chapter is finished. Who's POV should I do next?

Annabeth Chase, dead or alive (BACK AGAIN!!! BUT SLOW UPDATES!)Where stories live. Discover now